World Consumption Project Lindsay H.. World Population.

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1 World Consumption Project Lindsay H.

2 World Population

3 Questions What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country that has the highest population is China. I think China has the highest population because it is large and it has many jobs for people. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country with the lowest population is Fiji. Fiji has the smallest population because it is still developing and it is also a really, really small island. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. The fifth and sixth ranked countries are Japan and Thailand. Japan is developed and Thailand is developing. They are their rankings because they are medium-sized and Thailand is kind of poor. Japan has big cities so people have more jobs. They are also both a good place for people to travel and have lots of tourist attractions. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Greece and Haiti are ranked at 7 th and 8 th. Haiti is developing and Greece is developed. To get higher a higher ranking, Haiti should start giving more jobs and have more tourist attractions. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. Switzerland stands out to me because it is developed and has very good chocolate. Switzerland is small and has lots of mountains that are good for lots of things. Since it has a small population, it`s affect on world consumption is small.

4 Internet Users in Millions

5 Questions What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country with the largest amount is Fiji. Maybe because they live on a really nice warm island, they don`t want to go out and do other things. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? Haiti has the lowest amount of users. This may be because the people the are mostly poor, so the can`t afford to have a nice computer or they have no electricity. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. Russia and Indonesia are ranked 5 th and 6 th. Russia is developed and Indonesia is developing. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Indonesia and Switzerland are ranked 7 and 8. Indonesia is developing and Switzerland is developed. They are ranked here because Indonesia is poor and Switzerland is small. They can get a bigger population to get more users. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. Fiji stands out to me on the chart because they live on an island and they have a ton of internet users. They have a big affect on world consumption for internet users.

6 Physician Density per 1,000

7 Questions What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country with the largest amount is Greece. This might be because some ancient people studied medicine and did important things with it. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? Haiti has the lowest amount of physicians. This might be because they are poor and still developing. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. Japan and China are ranked 5 and 6. Japan is developed and China is developing. They have their rankings because they both have a high population, so the demand for physicians is also higher. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Fiji and Thailand are ranked at 7 and 8. They are both developing and they can hire more people for doctors and try to get more tourists. They are both great places to go on vacations. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. For such a small population, Switzerland stands out to me because it has such a small population, but yet so many physicians. This has a good impact on world consumption because people need doctors and that earns the doctors money that they can use to provide for themselves and their families.

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