ZOM-13-08 A request for a minor amendment to the existing South Pointe PD (Planned Development) 110 acres 11800 West Newberry Road.

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Presentation on theme: "ZOM-13-08 A request for a minor amendment to the existing South Pointe PD (Planned Development) 110 acres 11800 West Newberry Road."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZOM-13-08 A request for a minor amendment to the existing South Pointe PD (Planned Development) 110 acres 11800 West Newberry Road

2 Ross Investment Group. ZOM-13-08 Location Map

3 Ross Investment Group. ZOM-13-08 Aerial

4 Ross Investment Group. ZOM-13-08 Future Land Use

5 Ross Investment Group. ZOM-13-08 Zoning Districts

6 ZOM-13-08 Request Extend phasing schedule for Phase II by one year to December 2009 –Phasing schedule for Phase II previously extended by both the DRC and BoCC, each by one year –Currently expires December 2008 –Phase III end date remains December 2010

7 Proposed Condition Changes 6.The developer shall be responsible for the construction of NW 122nd Street from Newberry Road to the southernmost NW 122nd Street access point prior to building more than 199248 units or the satisfaction of signal warrant requirements at the intersection of NW 118th Drive and SR 26, unless NW 122nd Street has been constructed prior to such commencement. This roadway segment must be built to the County standards that are applicable at the time of construction, and include a sidewalk on the east side of the R/W from the access point to Newberry Road.

8 Proposed Condition Changes 9.The developer shall be required to monitor the intersection of NW 118th Drive and Newberry Road and, by November 30 of every even year starting in 2002, submit a traffic signal warrant analysis of the existing conditions of this intersection. If, at any time, the County or the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) receives a request for a traffic signal at the intersection of NW 118 th Drive and SR 26, the applicant shall perform a signal warrant analysis and submit it to the County and the FDOT for review within 60 days of a formal request from the County. If a traffic signal becomes warranted at the intersection of NW 118 th Drive and Newberry Road, the applicant shall be required to pay all costs associated with the installation of the traffic signal or other approved and appropriate traffic control device as may be approved by the Florida Department of Transportation or the Alachua County Public Works Department. Not withstanding any conditions herein, if approved, the traffic control device or alternative access to eliminate the signal warrant must be in place within 18 months of the initial warrant, or all development activity shall cease.

9 Bases Policy requires that planned developments designed for phasing shall embody proper access, circulation, drainage, open space and utilities for each phase to ensure viability at all stages of development. Section 407.79.5(a)5 requires that subdivisions containing more than 24 lots provide two functional access points. Currently, 258 residential units utilize NW 118 th Drive as their only functional access point. The construction of NW 122 nd Street will provide a second fully functional access point with direct access to a signalized intersection. This will provide a safe means of ingress and egress for South Pointe Subdivision. Condition #9 is outdated and requiring the developer to continuously monitor this intersection is not appropriate given the construction of NW 122 nd Street, as required by modification of Condition #6.

10 Background Item was heard at the October 28, 2008 Public Hearing –Resolution Z-08-22 adopted with Conditions proposed by Staff –Applicant was not present at the hearing Applicant requested new hearing to provide testimony regarding the proposed Condition Staff recommends the Board uphold previously approved Resolution Z-08-22

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