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What materials erupt from Volcano? Gases Molten Rock Solid Fragments

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1 What materials erupt from Volcano? Gases Molten Rock Solid Fragments
Volcano Notes What materials erupt from Volcano? Gases Molten Rock Solid Fragments

2 GASES STEAM is most abundant, 66% Other gases CO2, N, S, H, Cl, Ar, F
White clouds: indicate STEAM Bluish/brown: indicate SULFUR

3 FUMAROLE Crack in a volcano Temps range 200-400 degrees
Alaska’s Valley of 10,000 Smokes SOLFATARA: special fumarole, releases SULFUR

4 Gases: determine eruption
EXPLOSIVE: thick magma, trapped gases, Ex: Mt Pelee GENTLE: magma is fluid, gases can escape, Ex: Hawaii

5 Trapped gases underground
HOT SPRINGS form when groundwater boils GEYSER is special type that erupts periodically

6 MOLTEN ROCK MAGMA: melted rock below the earth’s surface
LAVA: melted rock above the earth’s surface

7 Types: AA: rough, jagged, sharp lava
PAHOEHOE: smooth, satin-like, ropey lava

8 Examples: PILLOW LAVA: forms when lava flows into the ocean
PILLAR LAVA: as lava cools, surface shrinks, forms hexagonal columns

9 SOLID FRAGMENTS DUST: smallest ASH: next largest LAPILLI: grape-sized
CINDERS: glassy BOMBS: tear-dropped BLOCK: largest TUFF: combination PUMICE: light gray rock, floats SCORIA: heavier, more red

10 Lapilli, Bomb, Pumice, Block

11 NUEE ARDENTE A mixture of steam, other gases, pumice, ash
Flows down hill like an avalanche

12 Sources of Magma BATHOLITH: larger than 40 square mi
STOCK: less than 40 square mi LACCOLITH: Domed surface DIKE: vertical intrusion SILL: horizontal intrusion PIPE: connects NECK: center of cone DOME: may form

13 FISSURE or RIFT Crack in the surface of earth Magma escapes
May be miles long

14 Top of Volcano: CONE: visible part of volcano, the rim is called the crater If rim collapses and enlarges it is called a CALDERA

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