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Sex Trafficking by: Nicole, Yarelis, Die, and Rachel.

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Presentation on theme: "Sex Trafficking by: Nicole, Yarelis, Die, and Rachel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex Trafficking by: Nicole, Yarelis, Die, and Rachel

2 Sex Trafficking Aim: How sex trafficking affect young girls around the world? Objective: Sex trafficking is one of the biggest crime in the world. It forces young girls into prostitution and adapt to a life that they don’t want to live in. it Dow now: watch the video and fill in the worksheet. trafficking-victoria-kennedy-pkg.cnn

3 What is sex trafficking? Sex trafficking is kidnapping women and forcing them to have sexual connections with several men. a pimp is the one who controls the victims and arrange clients for them, they also take away part of the money they earn. It starts with the pimp befriending them, offering them a place where to stay, and then forcing them to go on the streets offering their body to men in exchange of money or making ads online selling their body.

4 Facts: -the average age of entry into prostitution commercial exploitation in America is between 12 and 14 years old -100,000-300,000 children are at risk of sex trafficking annually in the United States. -85% of victims are female -there are approximately about 20-30 million slaves in the world -According to U.S state department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year -The highest child sex trafficking areas are on the nation are Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego

5 Effects and consequences -sexually transmitted diseases (STD) some of them are not allow to use condoms or other methods of birth control which leads to unwanted pregnancies and miscarriages. -Experience high rate of abortion, sterilization and infertility. -It affects their mental health and it lead to consequences like feeling of severe guilt, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, substance abuse(alcohol and drugs), and eating disorder. -physical abuse including broken bones, concussion, bruises or burns. these injuries can cause lasting health problems and may require long term treatment.

6 Does male trafficking exist? not only girls but also boys to are force in living this life. In Afghanistan and Coastal Sri Lanka, boys are more likely than girls to subjected in prostitution; In Mexico and Central America, boy migrants are vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation en route to the united states; boy i southest Asia are exploited in prostitution; to a lesser extent, men are victims of sex trafficking; in recent years, Brazilian men were identified in forced prostitution in spain and men were identified as sex trafficking victims in the United States.

7 sources facts about human 3, 2015. U.S Department of State.Male trafficking Victims. 3,2015.

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