Let’s Talk About Email! Instructor: Robert Griffiths Spring 2010 (original presentation developed by Jill Bond)

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Talk About Email! Instructor: Robert Griffiths Spring 2010 (original presentation developed by Jill Bond)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Talk About Email! Instructor: Robert Griffiths Spring 2010 (original presentation developed by Jill Bond)

2 What is Email?  electronic mail  email or e-mail

3 Who Can Use Email?  Anybody!

4 Where Can You Use Email?  You can use email on any computer that has Internet access. Your home (if you have Internet access) Your home (if you have Internet access) City College libraries City College libraries San Francisco public libraries San Francisco public libraries City College computer labs City College computer labs

5 Web-based Email  We will use only free, web-based email in this class. Examples: Gmail (Google), Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. Examples: Gmail (Google), Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.  Web-based means: You do not have to have special software. You do not have to have special software. You do not have to pay for it. You do not have to pay for it. You can check your email from any computer that has Internet access. You can check your email from any computer that has Internet access.

6 Email Addresses robert.d.griffiths.ccsf@gmail.com user ID, username or login name (no spaces, no capital letters) domain name (no spaces, no capital letters) @ = at (We say “at”.) Press the SHIFT key and the key with 2 on it.

7 Vocabulary for Creating an Email Account  email (e-mail) – noun, verb, adjective I will send you an email today. (noun) I will send you an email today. (noun) I will email you today. (verb) I will email you today. (verb) Let’s set up a new email account for you today. (adj.) Let’s set up a new email account for you today. (adj.)  account – noun Let’s set up a new email account for you today. Let’s set up a new email account for you today.  set up – phrasal verb Let’s set up a new email account today. Let’s set up a new email account today.  sign up (for) – phrasal verb We will sign up for a new email account today. We will sign up for a new email account today.

8 More Vocabulary for Creating an Email Account  user ID, username, login name – noun My user ID is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf. My user ID is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf. My login name is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf. My login name is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf. My username is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf. My username is robert.d.griffiths.ccsf.  password – noun My password is secret. My password is secret.

9 More Vocabulary for Creating an Email Account  security question - noun She will not forget her security question. She will not forget her security question.

10 Vocabulary for Using an Email Account  sign in (to), log in (to)- phrasal verb I am signing in to my email account. I am signing in to my email account. I am logging in to my email account. I am logging in to my email account.  sign out (of), log out (of) - phrasal verb Please sign out of your email account. Please sign out of your email account. Please log out of your email account. Please log out of your email account.  check (email) – verb Students check their email at the beginning of every class. Students check their email at the beginning of every class.

11 More Vocabulary for Using an Email Account  compose – verb She is composing a new email. She is composing a new email.  recipient – noun I sent Lee an email. Lee is the recipient of my email. I sent Lee an email. Lee is the recipient of my email.  sender – noun Rebecca sent Lee an email. Rebecca is the sender. Rebecca sent Lee an email. Rebecca is the sender.

12 More Vocabulary for Using an Email Account  send – verb Please send Jorge an email today. Please send Jorge an email today.  reply – noun, verb Please send a reply to Yuan soon. (noun) Please send a reply to Yuan soon. (noun) Please reply to Yuan’s email soon. (verb) Please reply to Yuan’s email soon. (verb)  forward – verb I will forward this email to my friend. I will forward this email to my friend.

13 More Vocabulary for Using an Email Account  cc: - verb Please cc: your teacher. Please cc: your teacher.  bcc: - verb He will bcc: his parents. He will bcc: his parents.

14 More Vocabulary for Using an Email Account  bulk, spam – noun No one likes to receive spam in their email account. No one likes to receive spam in their email account. No one likes to receive bulk in their email account. No one likes to receive bulk in their email account.

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