Five Fav’s and Blocked By: Hailey Mandelko Period 6.

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1 Five Fav’s and Blocked By: Hailey Mandelko Period 6

2 Elvis Presley’s Fav

3 Michael Jackson Michael Jackson would be his fav because he is the same guy he was. They were both great entertainers and wanted to always please the crowd. They also both did not have strong feelings towards their dads.

4 Ed Sullivan Elvis preformed at his show. They both believed that if Elvis preformed good that he would be able to get his name out there more than what it was. Ed was really worried about getting more money with him and so was Elvis.

5 Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter was the President. When Elvis went to war he showed character and Jimmy had that too. Elvis was worried about all of the aspects of his life. Jimmy Carter wanted to be the best president he could.

6 Al Green Al Green wanted to always please the crowd by his dance moves as well as his singing. He believed that the crowd will love the way you dance. Al Green believed in the same things that Elvis did and has some of the same values.

7 The Beatles The Beatles are the group that was very big when Elvis was big. They both had much respect for each other because they were changing the face of music. Also they both sang differently so they got along better because of that.

8 Elvis’ Blocked

9 Vernon Presley Vernon was his dad and was never there for him when he was a kid. He went to jail when Elvis was younger and was not there to teach him what he needed to know so he grew close to his mom.

10 Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra did not like Elvis because he said that his dance moves were very wrong. He believed that he was teaching the kids the wrong way to live.

11 Joseph Stalin He did not agree with religion like Elvis did. He was also big on war and Elvis was in the war fighting for our right as a country and he became a very high person in the army.

12 Adult Society The adult society thought that Elvis was a bad influence on the world. He married a girl that was very young and he danced like he had nothing to be ashamed of is what they thought.

13 Gandhi Gandhi would be on his blacked because he was not a fan of war or fighting. Elvis went to war and believed that he would help his country for 2 years.

14 Michael Jackson’s Fav

15 James Brown James Brown would be Michaels’ Fav because he is the first man to really start moving his feet the way Michael did. His dancing style was a influence for Michael and Michael wanted to give thanks to anyone that had a great impact on his life.

16 Oprah Oprah has a lot of the same values that Michael did. She helped the kids and gave money to charities just like Michael did. Even if they were not in the same way they both worked in the same direction.

17 Diana Ross Diana Ross was a big influence on Michael. She gave him his first opourtunity to sing with a famous group on his own. She also gave him lessons on how to make his voice better and strengthen it.

18 Jermaine Jackson Jermaine was Michael’s brother and was very close to him. He was there for him when he was having trouble in his life with his dad and from the poparazzi. He was a great role model for Michael as a kid.

19 Paul McCartney Paul McCartney was going solo when Michael was starting to get big. Michael wanted to know him because he was a great entertainer like him and wanted to please the fans. They sang together and made a huge hit.

20 Michael’s Blocked

21 Joe Jackson Joe Jackson was Michael’s dad. He treated him very poorly as a child and ruined his life as he grew up. Michael never had a childhood because his dad made the Jackson 5 stay busy and not have the life kids should be having.

22 Adolf Hitler Michael wanted peace in the world and the people to get along. Adolf was the total opposite and killed people because he did not like them.

23 Jordan Chandler Jordan Chandler is the boy that accused Michael of molesting him. He ruined Michaels career at the time and took his money for a statement that was not even took to trial. Michael faced a lot of controversy after this and ruined his life.

24 Kanye West Kanye West interuppted someone at an award show and was very rude to those that were being honored for their work. Michael would want everyone to enjoy everything they get and deserve it. He was so proud of everyone that tried so hard.

25 La Toya La Toya is Michael’s sister. She opened her mouth to the tabloids and set out a rumor that Michael did molest that little boy. When news hit that his sister said it there was no turning around from the fact that he was under fire for the rest of his life.

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