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This is a story represented by Fakultni zakladni skola -Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Once upon a time there was a wonderful castle. The castle was built.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a story represented by Fakultni zakladni skola -Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Once upon a time there was a wonderful castle. The castle was built."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a story represented by Fakultni zakladni skola -Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Once upon a time there was a wonderful castle. The castle was built high on the rock by the river Labe. And people called it “Střekov”.There was a little town near that castle and everybody was happy there.On the hill, in the house there lived a family with two sons.A mother took care of them and their father worked really hard. They did not have much money but they had great times together. Boys were really good and helped each other every time. They grew up and they became strong and handsome men. One day their father called them and asked them to find nice wives and to getmarry. They were obedient boys and so they went to find wives.There were many nice girls around the castle. But they wanted well-behaved, hard working and nice girls.It took some time but they finally find the right girls. The first one was tall and slim with dark hair and very clever.The second one was short and chubby but vvery kind and nice. HARRY AND HENRY

2 And there was a huge wedding. A lot of people were invited there. All guests were drinking and eating, dancing and singing. It was a great wedding party. Everybody enjoyed it! Henry and Harry lived happily in their new houses and rose up many children.Happy times passed by and there was nothing to worry about.But one day they received a letter in a black envelope. Dear Harry and Henry. I am getting old and I don’t feel very well. Please come to see me as soon as possible. I would like to tell you something really important. With love your father. Both sons packed their bags and ran to their father. He was laying in his death bed and called their names. „Henry, you are older and wise than your brother. You must look after him and his family, too. Here is all my money. Please save this money“ he said and died. The whole family was sad. They were crying a lot. Henry was reliable a lot and did the best for his family. But Harry started to be jealous and wanted all the money only for himself. One day he sent the letter to his brother.

3 “Come to see me tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock.We will meet near that old tree where we used to play when we were small children.Take your sword. We will fight for LIFE or DEATH. You brother Harry” Henry could not believe his eyes. He loved his brother so much and he did not understand why his brother wants to fight. It was a nice day. The sun was shining, birds were singing and it was very hot. Harry and Henry were prepared to meet and fight for life or death.Their families tried to persuade them not to do that but it was a waste of time.Henry came to the old tree like the first one. He was depressed and tired so he fell asleep and dreamed. He saw his brother Harry in his dreams. They played nice games and sang songs. He saw their parents there. Everybody was so happy in his dream. Henry: Oh, what is it? My brother is sleeping. It would be a great time to kill him.But is it right? No, I will not kill him. I am his brother and I love him. Harry, wake up! Harry: Oh, what? What? I fell asleep. You could kill me but you did not do that…

4 Henry: No, I didn’t. Do you remember what our father said? Voice from somewhere: Never fight! Stay always together!! Harry: Oh yes, you are right. You are older and wiser how our father said. They hugged each other, kissed each other and lived happily for a long time.

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