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Utilize commercial landings data by island (PR, STX, and STT) for 1994-2002 (queen conch – STX and PR only) and 1994-2006 (snapper unit 1, grouper unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilize commercial landings data by island (PR, STX, and STT) for 1994-2002 (queen conch – STX and PR only) and 1994-2006 (snapper unit 1, grouper unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilize commercial landings data by island (PR, STX, and STT) for 1994-2002 (queen conch – STX and PR only) and 1994-2006 (snapper unit 1, grouper unit 4, parrotfishes). SSC Recommendation: Accepts utilizing commercial landings data by island with years indicated above.

2 SSC Recommendation: Set ACL equal to zero for Nassau grouper. Passed by consensus.

3 Partition St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix snapper and grouper landings should be done using island specific TIP weight data. Years? SSC Recommendation: Have SEFSC explore partitioning STT/STJ and STX landings using island specific TIP weight data and the appropriate years to be included. Passed by consensus.

4 Determine if the MSY value in the original Conch FMP is still valid, and based on the best available science. This would allow for the development of a fishery in St. Thomas. SSC Recommendation: Do not accept the MSY estimate in the Conch FMP and request additional analyses for MSY of queen conch off St. Thomas. Passed by consensus. Additional data: review survey reports by USVI Fish and Wildlife and SEAMAP; response of population after fishery opened in early 1990s; depth distribution of queen conch of STT/STJ; extent of viable fishing grounds; Mark Monaco from NOS; DPNR environmental impact documents produced by Bioimpact Inc (Amy Dempsey) and Vicente and Associates, Inc.

5 Is the landings data by island appropriate for determining MSY for parrotfishes? SSC Recommendation 1: Accept OFL for STT/STJ and PR. Look at trends in size for St. Croix to assess the validity of landings data for calculating MSY. Passed by consensus. SSC Recommendation 2: ABC for midnight, blue, and rainbow parrotfishes be set at zero and create two parrotfish units because of dramatically different life histories. Passed by consensus SSC Recommendation 3: In light of algal growth on coral reefs and other benthic EFH, the catch levels being determined do not consider the ecological role of parrotfishes and therefore we recommend that SSC and SEFSC staff gather information to consider this role in setting catch limits. Language struck by SSC

6 The St. Thomas Fishermen’s Association’s proposal should be reviewed and evaluated by the SSC. SSC Recommendation: Defer consideration of the STFA’s proposal to allocate ACLs by geartypes until after a process is established for setting limits and targets by species/units and then relook at this approach in relation to the calculated limits. Approved by consensus.

7 Adjust MSY based on methods used in the Sustainable Fisheries Act Amendment Average Catch (Bcurr/Bmsy)*(Fcurr/Fmsy) MSY = Fcurr/ Bcurr/ Fmsy Bmsy MSY At risk1.5 0.75 0.88*catch Undetermined1.0 1.0 1.0*catch Not at risk 0.75 1.25 1.067*catch

8 Adjust MSY based on methods used in the Sustainable Fisheries Act Amendment SSC Recommendation: Abandon SFA formula for adjusting MSY Adjust MSY using the following equation: status scaler X avg. catch X vulnerability status scalers At risk < 1 Undetermined = 1.0 Not at risk > 1 Susceptibility factors and productivity factors are being considered by the current Vulnerability Evaluation Working Group. Vulnerability incorporates susceptibility and productivity factors. Passed by consensus

9 Set OFL equal to MSY SSC Recommendation: In absence of species specific information to the contrary, OFL shall be set equal to MSY. Approved by consensus.

10 Set ABC based on either the 25%, 50%, or 75% lower confidence limit (LCL) of average catch, as adjusted for stock status. ABC = MSY - (avg. catch - LCL) SSC Recommendation: Accept the above formula, but request further guidance on grounds for applying different percent confidence limits. Approved by consensus

11 Quorum lost Council would set ACL equal to or less than the ABC.

12 The following was not addressed by the SSC Set ACT = 0.75*MSY (=OY). The SSC should reconsider how to set the ACT. –Should ACT be set equal to OY or be based on ACL as reduced by management uncertainty?

13 Items for joint ACLG/SSC meeting:

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