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Tomb- sweeping Day April 4-6 Solar Terms 节气 Festival.

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Presentation on theme: "Tomb- sweeping Day April 4-6 Solar Terms 节气 Festival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomb- sweeping Day April 4-6 Solar Terms 节气 Festival

2 The Sacrifice—— 三月里来是清明 ※ Watch A Video ↓ 祭祀

3 Key Words: 祭品 纸钱 烧香 坟墓 扫墓者 踏青 go hiking tomb sweeper sacrifice ghost money grave/ tomb burn incense

4 ※ Origin 介子椎 晋国公子重耳 (晋文公) LordJie

5 Cold Food Festival

6 Green Dumpling 青团 (艾糍) ---cold food

7 ※ The Customs

8 Go Tomb Sweeping --- for ancestor worship

9 Fly Kites ---to sweep away the ill-fortune

10 Swing ---to prevent disease ---the higher, the healthier

11 Play Cuju ---to make the body fit and strong ---other sports: tug-of-war play polo 拔河 打马球 蹴鞠

12 Hang willow branches ---to exorcize ---life-force ---"liu" save the life 驱鬼

13 ※ Tomb-sweeping Day In Our Hometowns

14 Julia : In my home town Guizhou when the Tomb- sweeping Day comes, we pay respect to our relatives or friends who passed away. We take the food they like when he/she's alive to the tombs. And we burn ghost money. In the end, all the relatives have lunch together. The original ghost money The modern ghost money

15 Betty : When the Tomb-sweeping Day’s coming, all of my relatives go to our ancestral tomb. First,we clean branch and leaves and pull up weeds around the tomb. After sweeping the ground, we put fish, pork, chicken, some fruit and candies that we have prepared. In the end, we set off firecrackers then leave.

16 Lily : In Jiangmen,the willow branches were inserted on each gate in order to add vigor and vitality to the surroundings. But it actually means more than that. This custom can be traced back to over one thousand years ago.

17 Mary : On Tomb-Sweeping Day, people in Guangzhou usually plant trees on the mountain. So, Tomb- Sweeping Day is also called Arbor Day.On Tomb- Sweeping Day, we often fly kites and tie something light to the kites. It is said in this way, people will also be protected from bad luck and disease.

18 A Sand Animation 沙画 ※ Review

19 Thank You! Tomb- sweeping Day Journalism Sophomore

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