Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties.

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2 Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Jaspersoft/ iReport Migration Part 1: Basics

3 Topics Covered Prerequisites Report Center in WS10.1 Out of the box reports Basic iReport Concepts Create Query iReport and Report Wizard Properties Fields Palette

4 Prerequisites There is no tool that will take the old version of the report files and convert them to the new version “Migrating” the report to the new version of Jaspersoft and of World Server 10.1 requires that the report be recreated using the new tools The query used in the old.RLD version is the one aspect of the old report that can be mostly carried over to the new version of the report. Everything else needs to be recreated

5 Prerequisites Install WorldServer 10.1 \\bos-data1\Data\builds\10.1.0\\doc\en\WorldServer v10.1.0 Install Guide.pdf \\bos-data1\Data\builds\10.1.0\\doc\en\WorldServer v10.1.0 Install Guide.pdf Install Japsersoft Repository and iReport \\bos-data1\Data\builds\10.1.0\\doc\en\WorldServer v10.1.0 Install Guide.pdf \\bos-data1\Data\builds\10.1.0\\doc\en\WorldServer v10.1.0 Install Guide.pdf Chapter 3 Report Center –Follow instructions for the type of database World Server is installed over Install iReport (if custom Report development or debugging is required) Download from http://jasperforge.org/projects/ireport and installhttp://jasperforge.org/projects/ireport Read the iReport Ultimate Guide 3! \\BOS- DATA1\Data\Dept_share\Engineering\3rd_party_tool\Jasper4.0\Docs\iRe port-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf \\BOS- DATA1\Data\Dept_share\Engineering\3rd_party_tool\Jasper4.0\Docs\iRe port-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf

6 Report Center in World Server10.1 After the install the Report Center becomes available in WorldServer To Access go to “Tools ->Report Center” If everything is properly configured you should see the Report Center and the Out of the Box Report

7 Report Query The query for the report is the most important aspect of the report. If a query from an old version of a report already exists Open database tool that allows you to run a query against the World Server database Remove any old parameter references Replace old parameters with 1=1 Save a version of the query with parameters intact for later Verify the query returns the proper data for your report Verify calculations are correct for data In database tool change 1=1 to actual SQL statements –Example localename in (‘German’) Verify correct data is returned Take version with 1=1 open iReport This is the version that will be initially used to create the report

8 Report Query Part 2 If a new query for a new report Open database tool that allows you to run a query against the WorldServer database Write query against WorldServer database to return the proper values for the report Add in sql statements to test what will end up being the parameters for the query where localename in (‘German’) When query is correct change statements for the parameters to 1=1 to run query Take version with 1=1 open iReport This is the version that will be initially used to create the report

9 iReport Open iReport Configure the connection to the Report Repository Create a datasource in iReport for the WorldServer installation Open report wizard File -> New At completion of wizard JRXML file is created this file contains All layout information Report Query Variables Parameters JRXML will be compiled to.JASPER file

10 Report Inspector and Properties While in a report the Report Inspector will appear on the left side of the screen This shows all the pieces of the report Clicking on a piece of the report will show a properties panel on the right side of the screen This properties panel lets you change and control how the pieces of the report behave As report configuration continues and more pieces are added to the report the Report Inspector makes modifying or selecting only the pieces you want easier

11 Fields Fields are the pieces of the report that come from the query Fields are of a certain datatype Data types are important for using fields in variables When using the report wizard iReport will attempt to extract the fields from the query Based on the column type in the datasource iReport will attempt to pick the best data type for the field. You can change the data type in the properties panel for that field For the most part the Fields are what will be displayed in the report In iReport a Field is signified by $F{} where what is in the {} is the name of the field

12 Palette The Palette allows the user to drag and drop various items into the report These items are used to modify the look and the feel of the report to make the final product easier to look at for the end user

13 SQL Syntax Changes When migrating the query from an old report to a new report it is important to know that the syntax for how Parameters are used in the query for an IN statement has changed Old version of an IN statement using a Parameter 1=1 {param.locale("and archiveProjects.localeName IN ('", "')", "', '")} New version of an IN statement using a Parameter $X{IN,archiveProjects.localeName,locale} Both version will end up being replaced with archiveProjects.localeName in ( )

14 Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Questions?

15 Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Thank you Robert Spence For more information or for any issues please contact worldserversupport@sdl.com Copyright © 2007 SDL. All rights reserved. SDL and the SDL Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SDL or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This slide is for closing external and customer presentations

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