The Quantum Model of the Atom. Intro to Quantum Mechanics.

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Presentation on theme: "The Quantum Model of the Atom. Intro to Quantum Mechanics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quantum Model of the Atom

2 Intro to Quantum Mechanics

3 Electrons as Waves Louis de Broglie (1924) –Applied wave-particle theory to electrons –Electrons exhibit wave properties QUANTIZED WAVELENGTHS

4 Quantum Mechanics Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle –Impossible to know both the velocity and position of an electron at the same time

5 Quantum Mechanics Schrödinger Wave Equation (1926) –Finite number of solutions  quantized energy levels –Defines probability of finding an electrons

6 Quantum Mechanics Radial Distribution Curve Orbital Orbital (“electron cloud”) –Region in space where there is 90% probability of finding an e -

7 Electron Structure Electrons arranged into energy levels. –Names like “n=1” and “n=2”. n = 1 n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 Nucleus More Energy

8 Principal Energy Levels Energy level (n) Maximum Number of Electrons 12 28 318 432

9 Electron Structure Energy levels are divided into sublevels. –Sublevels within an energy level have similar energy.

10 s, p, d, and f orbitals

11 Electron Structure Sublevels are made of orbitals. –Each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons. SublevelOrbitalsElectrons S12 P36 D510 F714

12 Valence Electrons Valence electrons – Electrons in an atom’s highest-numbered energy level. You can tell how many valence electrons any atom should have by its position in the periodic table. 1 2345 6 7 8 2 variable


14 Lewis Dot Diagrams Lewis Dot Diagram – shows the valence electrons of an atom. –First 2 electrons paired on one side. –Remaining electrons are placed on other sides. –Should never have more than 8 dots.

15 Lewis Dot Diagrams Here are the Lewis diagrams for 8 elements, which have 1 – 8 valence electrons. LiBe B C N O F Ne

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