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The Sakai JSR-168 Portlet (Version 2) Charles Severance December 17, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sakai JSR-168 Portlet (Version 2) Charles Severance December 17, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sakai JSR-168 Portlet (Version 2) Charles Severance December 17, 2005

2 New in Portlet Version 0.2 Tree View Gallery View Proxy portlets Source in SVN Configurable via properties file Announcements (sakai.announcements) Assignments (sakai.assignment) Chat Room ( Discussion (sakai.discussion) Gradebook (sakai.gradebook.tool) Email Archive (sakai.mailbox) Membership (sakai.membership) Message Forums (sakai.messageforums) Preferences Tool (sakai.preferences) Presentation (sakai.presentation) Profile (sakai.profile) Resources (sakai.resources) Wiki (sakai.rwiki) Tests & Quizzes (sakai.samigo) Roster ( Schedule (sakai.schedule) Site Info (sakai.siteinfo) Syllabus (sakai.syllabus)

3 Use Case (getting closer) Goal: a bunch of Sakai Portlets that can be scattered through out a portal at the portal administrator’s discretion - it is *almost* as if Sakai was in the portal. Not quite there –One weakness is the provisioning step - for the proxy portlets they need provisioning. –Another weakness is the need to synchronize AUTHZ between the portal and Sakai - give than none of the AUTHZ in portals is standard at all, this is a challenge Even though portals may not have the infrastructure to support a “group-scoped” calendar, we may have to build one anyways.

4 Sakai JSR-168 Portlet Web Services are used to login to Sakai establish a session and retrieve a list of Sakai Sites, Pages, and Tools The portlet is 100% stock JSR-168 –Works in Pluto, uPortal, and GridSphere

5 Three Variations Display the Sakai gallery - all of Sakai except for the login and branding. Retrieve the hierarchy of sites, pages and tools display in a tree view with the portlet and show selected tools/pages in an iframe within the portlet Proxy tool placement for a particular Sakai tool such as sakai.preferences

6 SakaiSite.getToolsDom http://localhost:8080/portal http://localhost:8080 http://localhost:8080/gallery My Workspace ~csev http://localhost:8080/portal/worksite/~csev af54f077-42d8-4922-80e3-59c158af2a9a Home http://localhost:8080/portal/page/af54f077-42d8-4922-80e3-59c158af2a9a b7b19ad1-9053-4826-00f0-3a964cd20f77 Message of the Day sakai.motd http://localhost:8080/portal/tool/b7b19ad1-9053-4826-00f0-3a964cd20f77 85971b6b-e74e-40eb-80cb-93058368813c My Workspace Information sakai.iframe.myworkspace http://localhost:8080/portal/tool/85971b6b-e74e-40eb-80cb-93058368813c New WS method is upwards compatible with getSitesDom

7 Sakai Gallery View

8 How Gallery Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet Login /portal/gallery

9 Sakai Tree View

10 How Tree View Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet Login ToolList /portal/page/FF96

11 Sakai Proxy Tool

12 Proxy Tool Selection

13 How Proxy Portlet Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet Login SiteList /portal/page/FF96 1 2

14 Auto Login Automatic login (unchanged from previous version) –The portlet can be configured system-wide to have a designated Sakai host that people are to be automatically logged into. –A shared secret between the portlet and the Sakai system allows bypass of any Sakai log in. –There must be a Sakai account for each portal account. But if the account exists and the shared secrets match, integration is seamless –If the portal is fully provisioned and knows first name, last name, and e-Mail, SakaiPortalLogin can also auto-create users.

15 How Normal Login Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet SakaiLogin (id,pw) 2 1 /portal/gallery

16 How Auto Login Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet PortalLogin (id,secret) 2 1 /portal/gallery Configuration: sakai.secret=abcdef… Request.getRemoteUser = “csev” Configuration: sakai.secret=abcdeff

17 How Normal Login Works uPortal, Pluto, or GridSphere Sakai Web Svcs Charon Portal Sakai Portlet PortalLogin (id,secret) Configuration: sakai.secret=abcdef… Request.getRemoteUser = “csev”

18 Sakai Portlet Preferences

19 Configuration Configured via both a properties file and portlet –Default properties is in /WEB- INF/classes/org/sakaiproject/portlets/sakaiportlet.p roperties –This file can also be placed in the -Dsakai.home directory as well - this will override the default file –Portlet.xml override these properties but out of the box, the portlet.xml does not set these properties

20 file # # This sets parameters for sakai portlets # # These values are overridden by any init-parms in the portlet.xml or # init-parms forced by the portal = http://localhost:8080 # It is convenient for testing to have the secret set out of the box # But in production, if you do not want autologin, do not set this parameter # and autologin will be turned off sakai.secret = plug-xyzzy # This is used to deal with non-portable aspects across portals - such as how # to determine the current logged in user. Leaving it null assumes that it # is an Apache Pluto based portal. # portal.type=gridsphere # portal.type=uportal

21 Notes If you don’t use auto-portal login, it is very painful to use the proxy portlets (sakai.calendar, etc) because they need to establish login separately :( There is a bug in 2.1 logging out from the gallery. Actually it might be best to hide the logout button as it is not really logical in a mode where some “higher level” portal is doing navigation. Char does not work - need to figure out why. Probably an interaction with presence

22 TODO List Create “group placed” versions of the proxy portlet - need to interoperate with the AUTHZ in the Portal and in Sakai –Need to look very closely at how AUTHZ is done in the portal and what APIs to call for each portal - this will likely be a “case statement” –Need to look closely at preferences in the portal, normally there are portlet-wide init parms and user-scoped preferences. Is there an intermediate level where an admin can set certain prefs that end- users cannot override? This will likely also be non portable. Make tool placements in tree view look like page placements - should this be in Charon or in the Portlet? Effectively this is snatching some Charon code to do the titles, etc. Would be better to do this in Charon.

23 Outline of (TBD) AUTHZ It is pretty clear that it is dangerous to depend on the AuthZ of the Portal because all portals will be different. Build a service inside of Sakai which maps Portlet Placements to Sakai Sites Allow users with site.upd to effectively grant a “role” to a portlet placement. Another variant is to have folks “auto-join” sites and get a role in the site that way.

24 Current AUTHZ Portlet SiteUserRole AB23csevmaintain AB23haoaccess BC55haomaintain BC55marlonaccess Calendar portlet executed by hao - no placement in pref - find placements Calendar portlet placed by admin with ID FF12 What calendars can hao see? AB23 BC55 hao picks BC55 and it becomes his personal pref. Calendar portlet executed by csev - no placement in pref - find placements What calendars can csev see? AB23 Since there is only one csev sees it and it becomes his pref

25 TBD AUTHZ - Maintain case Portlet SiteUserRole AB23csevmaintain AB23haoaccess BC55haomaintain BC55marlonaccess Calendar portlet executed by hao - no placement in pref - find placements Calendar portlet placed by admin with ID FF12 What calendars can hao see? AB23 BC55 (site.upd) Does hao have site.upd in this site? Yes PortletSiteRole FF12AB23access hao picks BC55 and then is asked, would you like this to be a group placement? If so, what role do people get when they see this placement? Hao says “yes - access”. Grant Portlet FF12 access role in AB23. Sweet hao sees the AB23 calendar and it becomes his preference.

26 TBD AUTHZ - Access Case Portlet SiteUserRole AB23csevmaintain AB23haoaccess BC55haomaintain BC55marlonaccess BC55csevaccess Calendar portlet executed by csev - no placement in pref - find placements Calendar portlet placed by admin with ID FF12 What is the placement portlet FF12? AB23 PortletSiteRole FF12AB23access csev is sent to the AB23 calendar and it becomes his preference. Sakai notices the placement rule made by hao, and also that csev does not have access, and adds csev as access below.

27 TBD AUTHZ - Maintain case (more detail) Portlet SiteUserRole AB23csevmaintain AB23haoaccess BC55haomaintain BC55marlonaccess Calendar portlet executed by hao - no placement in pref - find placements Calendar portlet placed by admin with ID FF12 What calendars can hao see? AB23 BC55 (site.upd) Since hao has site.upd, he picks BC55 and indicates that this placement gets the access role. PortletSiteRole Grant Portlet FF12 access role in AB23. Sweet hao sees the AB23 calendar and it becomes his preference. What is the placement portlet FF12? Null Since there are no placements, lets check to see if hao can see any calendars. PortletSiteRole FF12AB23access

28 Summary This is a nice step forward for the Sakai JSR-168 portlet There is another step needed to truly meet the ideal use case –This step needs some analysis by within-portal security folks (I.e. I need help from the uPortal and GridSphere experts to determine next steps) This will meet a set of needs much better than version 0.1 of the portlet. –The gallery and tree should work well –Proxy portlets can be used in certain cases where AUTHZ is well considered. This version is “safe” from a security perspective - it only allows users to do what Sakai permits them to do.

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