Lana J. Kelly & Courtney Beach Saint Louis University.

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2 Lana J. Kelly & Courtney Beach Saint Louis University

3  The Non-Traditional Student  The Challenges of the Non-Traditional Student  Why is this population important?  Background of SLU for Busy Adults  What we are doing for this population

4  Students who are older than typical college aged students (18-25)  This could also be students who choose to attend school in a different format in scheduling such as night classes, online and accelerated.

5  School is not first priority—often full time job and family to compete with  Time management  Lack of confidence with school  Finances

6  Only 16% of college students fit the traditional model: age 18-22 years old, attending college full-time, and living on- campus  The “over 25” population is the fastest- growing student segment in higher education and has consistently increased during the last three decades

7  The growth markets in higher education: 1.Adult students, including seniors 2.Commuter students 3.Part-time students 4.Women (of almost all ages)


9  Accelerated online, evening and weekend classes at Saint Louis University  Admission Criteria:  22 years of age  3 years of work experience  2.5 transfer GPA  Average age 36

10  We offer certificates, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs  Majority of students are transferring in course work  Diverse population

11  Email a PDF file of our Catalog & Student Handbook  Skype  Remote placement testing  Global Communications

12  On ground session & online  Presentations from departments on campus on how to become successful  Offered through Wimba  During lunch hour & after work hours  Live Q & A with admission counselors  Archived sessions








20  Faculty Chairs lead presentation on each program  Offered through Wimba  During lunch hour 12-1 CST  Archived on our website

21  1 session per term  Topics:  Financial Aid  Career Services  Writing Services  SLU Technology  Live Q & A  Gather topics from student polls

22   Harms, Brenda. Stamats' 2008 Adult StudentsTalk Study. Rep. Cedar Rapids: Stamats, 2008. Print.

23 Lana J. Kelly Admission Counselor (314) 977-2164 Courtney Beach Admission Counselor (314) 977-3620


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