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Make a dice challenge! This is a starter activity and should take 5 minutes [ slide 1 ] 1.Log in to your computer 2.Open IDLE 3.Copy the code below in.

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Presentation on theme: "Make a dice challenge! This is a starter activity and should take 5 minutes [ slide 1 ] 1.Log in to your computer 2.Open IDLE 3.Copy the code below in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make a dice challenge! This is a starter activity and should take 5 minutes [ slide 1 ] 1.Log in to your computer 2.Open IDLE 3.Copy the code below in interactive mode 1.Now place your cursor back, somewhere in random.randint(1,6) press RETURN and IDLE will copy the code for you to have another go. >>> import random >>> random.randint(1,6) (After pressing RETURN, Python gives you a number between 1 and 6.)

2 Lesson Aims [ slide 2 ] Vocabulary script mode module In this lesson you are going to: 1.learn how to use the randint() function 2.learn how to use if, elif and else 3.Use the input() function in some different ways 4.finish the MyMagic8Ball game 5.Run a Python file

3 Coding Time [ slide 3 ] 1.Find your file called you saved last lesson. (It should be in a Python Code folder inside Documents.) 2.Double click on the file to open it in IDLE. 3.Add the code from Code Box 3.3 (page 35) to the bottom of your file, then check it carefully. 4.Add the code from Code Box 3.4 (page 37). Check it again. 5.Save your file. If you are waiting: Read page 36-40 in Python Basics.

4 Code Analysis [ slide 4 ] print("Welcome to My8Ball.") # get the users question question = input("Ask me for advice then press ENTER to shake me.\n") print("shaking...\n" * 4) # use the randint() function to select the correct answer choice=random.randint(1, 8) if choice == 1: answer=ans1 elif choice == 2: answer=ans2 etc. etc. elif choice == 7: answer=ans7 else: answer=ans8 # print the answer to the screen print(answer) input("\n\nPress the RETURN key to finish.")

5 Running programs in script mode [ slide 5 ] 1.Make sure the file is saved. 2.With open choose Run Module from the Run menu 3.The program will run in the interactive mode window which now acts as a console. If it does not work properly: Carefully compare your code with the complete script in Code Box 3.5 (page 41 and 42) When fnished: Try out the Ideas on page 43 and 44.

6 Homework 1.Make a copy of 2.Rename it as 3.Using this file as a template re-write it so that it works like a fortune cookie. [ slide 6 ]

7 Lesson Summary [ slide 7 ] In this lesson you have: Vocabulary What is a module? 1.learnt how to use the randint() function 2.learnt how to use if, elif and else 3.Used the input() function in some different ways 4.finishe the MyMagic8Ball game 5.Run a Python file A file that stores useful functions Can you name three ways we can use the input() function? Answers on the last slide What must we do to use functions from a module?import the module

8 The input() function [ slide 8 ] # pause a program until a user is ready: input("Please press ENTER to continue.") # provide a tidy way of ending a program: input("\n\nPress the RETURN key to finish.") # get and store a user’s keyboard input question = input("Please tell me your name.\n")

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