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Presentation on theme: "IABC 2006 PROFILE 1 SUMMARY OF CANADIAN RESULTS IABC/TORONTO Prepared for: IABC RESEARCH FOUNDATION Prepared by: RESEARCHWORKS INC."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 WELCOME!  Introduction  About ResearchWorks  Objectives Determine annual base salary and variable pay (2006). Gather information about educational background, years of communications experience, principal area of focus, and more.  Methodology  Response Rate  Weighting  Salary Sample Composition  Use of Data

3 3 Agenda  Respondent Profile  Salary Highlights  Median Salary by Selected Variables  Other Findings  Summary

4 4 Statistical Terminology  Mean  The mean is the sum of individual parts divided by the number of parts. (Commonly referred to as the average.)  Median  The median is the middle-most value when the individual values are arranged in increasing or decreasing order. The median is also the 50 th percentile or the midpoint.  Percentile  The p th percentile of a list is the number such that p percent of the elements in the list are less than that number.


6 6 Gender, Age, & Education (Total Canada) Gender:  81% of respondents were female. Age:  40% were less than 35 years old.  37% reported their age to be between 36 to 45 years. Education:  64% had completed a University/Bachelor’s degree.  15% reported that they had completed some type of Graduate degree (Total University = 79%).  17% completed a Diploma or certificate program.

7 7 Experience, Type of Communications, & Location (Total Canada) Experience:  8% had less than 3 years of experience.  38% percent had 3 to less than 10 years of experience.  37% percent had 10 to less than 20 years of experience.  17% percent had 20 or more years of experience. Focus of Work – Top 3 Most Frequently Mentioned: 1) Corporate communication (22%) 2) Internal communication (18%) 3) External communication (12%) Chapter Membership:  35% of respondents belonged to the IABC / Toronto chapter.  21% of respondents belonged to chapters located in Alberta (Calgary and Edmonton).

8 8 Accreditation, Job Title (Total Canada) Professional Accreditation:  14% were professionally accredited. Accreditation Membership:  11% of this fourteen percent were accredited by IABC. Job Title – Top 3 Most Frequently Mentioned: 1) Manager (24%) 2) Director (17%) 3) Specialist (10%)

9 9 Industry/Sector (Top Ten Most Frequently Mentioned – Total Canada) Base: 1,119 Q2. Which of the following best describes the industry or sector that you will be working for at the end of 2006?

10 10 Years in Current Position Total Canada Q12. How many years will you have been working in your current position at the end of 2006? Base: 1,120

11 11 Years with Current Organization Total Canada Q10. How many years will have been you been working for this organization at the end of 2006? Base: 1,120

12 12 Employment Situation in Two Years Total Canada Q22. Where do you see yourself in two years? Base: 1,112

13 SALARY HIGHLIGHTS Canada and IABC/Toronto

14 14 Annual Base Salary Distribution Total Canada 19% Base: 1,017 Q25. What is your annual base salary in 2006?

15 15 Median Base Salary Canadian Overview Eastern Canada Central Canada Western Canada Median Base Salary $65,000 Median Base Salary $75,000 Median Base Salary $63,000

16 16 Annual Median Base Salary by Chapter (In Descending Order) Chapter2006 Median Base Salary Ottawa AIPC (n=47)$80,000 Toronto (n=364)$75,000 Montreal (n=39)$75,000 Manitoba (n=10)$70,012 Southwestern Ontario (n=67) (Includes Golden Horseshoe, Grand Valley, and London chapters) $69,867 Edmonton (n=81)$66,500 BC (n=128)$66,219 Calgary (n=136)$64,954 Atlantic/Eastern Canada (n=44) (Includes Newfoundland and Labrador and Atlantic Canada chapters) $62,804 Saskatchewan (n=72) (Includes Saskatoon and Regina chapters) $60,983 Caribbean and Trinidad & Tobago (n=12)$43,320

17 17 Where Do I Stand? (Total Canada) If you were an IABC member living in Canada in 2006 and you earned a base salary of… $55,100, you earned more than 25% of survey respondents $70,000, you earned more than 50% of survey respondents $87,000, you earned more than 75% of survey respondents 75 th 25 th $300,000 $87,000 $70,000 $29,500 $55,100 Mean$75,115 Median Max. Min. Q25. What is your annual base salary in 2006? Base: 1,017

18 18 Where Do I Stand? (IABC / Toronto) If you were a member of the IABC / Toronto chapter in 2006 and you earned a base salary of… $60,000, you earned more than 25% of survey respondents $75,000, you earned more than 50% of survey respondents $95,000, you earned more than 75% of survey respondents 75 th 25 th $260,000 $95,000 $75,000 $30,000 $60,000 Mean$80,948 Median Max. Min. Q25. What is your annual base salary in 2006? Base: 364

19 19 Comparative Overview - Base Salary Total Canada 2006 (Includes all chapters, Base = 1,017) Median base salary = $70,000 Mean base salary = $75,115 Total Canada 2003* (Includes all chapters, Base = 1,341) Median base salary = $58,665 Mean base salary = $63,369 *Note: in 2003, salary statistics were calculated based on midpoints. Caution is required; results should be considered an estimate. *Note: 2003 data was not weighted.

20 20 Comparative Overview - Base Salary IABC/Toronto 2006 (Base = 364) Median base salary = $75,000 Mean base salary = $80,948 IABC/Toronto 2003* (Base = 371) Median base salary = $67,000 Mean base salary = $72,197 *Note: salary statistics were calculated using midpoints in 2003. Caution is required, as results should be considered as an estimate. *Note: 2003 data was not weighted


22 22 Annual Median Base Salary by Experience Total Canada Q11. How many years have you been working in the communication profession? Base: 997

23 23 Annual Median Base Salary by Experience IABC / Toronto Q11. How many years have you been working in the communication profession? Base: 362

24 24 Top Ten Annual Median Base Salary by Industry/Sector Total Canada Q2. Which of the following best describes the industry or sector that you will be working for at the end of 2006? Base: 1,015

25 25 Annual Median Base Salary by Education Total Canada Q41. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Base: 965

26 26 Annual Median Base Salary by Education IABC / Toronto Q41. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Base: 353

27 27 Top Ten Annual Median Base Salary by Job Title Total Canada Q14. Which of the following best describes your job title? Base: 1,017

28 28 Top Ten Annual Median Base Salary by Focus of Work Total Canada Q13. Which function/department best describes the focus of your work? Base: 1,017

29 29 Annual Median Base Salary by Gender Total Canada Q40. Gender: Base: 1,012

30 30 Annual Median Base Salary by Gender IABC / Toronto Q40. Gender: Base: 995

31 31 Annual Median Base Salary by Accreditation Total Canada Base: 992 Q46. Are you professionally accredited?

32 32 Annual Median Base Salary by Accreditation IABC / Toronto Q46. Are you professionally accredited? Base: 361

33 33 Annual Median Base Salary by Hours Worked per Week Total Canada Q18. On average, approximately how many hours did you work per week? Base: 1,001

34 34 Annual Median Base Salary by Hours Worked per Week IABC / Toronto Q18. On average, approximately how many hours did you work per week? Base: 364

35 35 Annual Median Base Salary by Employment Situation Total Canada Q19. Will you be self employed at the end of 2006? Base: 999

36 36 Annual Median Base Salary by Employment Situation IABC / Toronto Q19. Will you be self employed at the end of 2006? Base: 364

37 37 Annual Median Base Salary by Position Description Total Canada Q16. Please choose the description that best matches the position you held at the end of 2006. Base: 1,013

38 OTHER FINDINGS Total Canada

39 39 Benefits  At least 6 in 10 respondents reported that they received the following as part of their benefits package in 2006:  Medical Plan (92%)  Dental Plan (91%)  Paid Vacations (80%)  Vision Plan (79%)  Life Insurance (72%)  Company Pension Plan (65%)

40 40 Compensation Satisfaction*  Almost one quarter of respondents (24%) gave the “top- box” score response of “very satisfied” for satisfaction with their salary level.  Six percent indicated they were “very dissatisfied”

41 41 Variable Pay  51% received variable pay in 2006  Median = CDN$9,000  Mean = CDN$23,672 Industry/Sector Most Likely to Offer Variable Pay (Top 3) Finance/Banking Government/Military Insurance Industry/Sector Least Likely to Offer Variable Pay (Bottom 3) Cultural/Travel/Tourism Aerospace Environmental Services

42 42 Independent Hourly Rates Total Canada Q29. If you will be self-employed at the end of 2006, what is your hourly rate? Base: 50

43 43 Agency Hourly Billable Rate Total Canada Q30. If you work for an agency, what will your hourly billable rate be at the end of 2006? Base: 60

44 44 Salary Increases Total Canada  Received Increase?  88% received  Increase Amount over past 2 Years  43% received 10% or more  Next Pay Increase  51% said 3 to 5% increase  22% said 6 to 8% increase  Largest expected increases (20% or more)  Public Relations (32%)  Consulting (16%)

45 45 Base: 1,096 Non-Financial Incentives to Leave Current Job Total Canada Q23. Which of the following non-financial incentives would compel you to leave your current job?

46 46 Change in Staff/Size Total Canada  The top three industries most likely to report increases in staff/size were: 1. Government/Military 2. Education 3. Finance/Banking Q6. During the last two years, has your communication department, practice or firm’s staff/size… Base: 1,106

47 47 Change in Budget/Revenue Total Canada  The top three industries most likely to report increases in budget/ revenue were: 1. Government/Military 2. Education 3. Medical/Healthcare Q7. During the last two years, has your communication department, practice or firm’s budget/revenue… Base: 1,114

48 48 International Perspective *Caution: all pay data in above table reported in US Dollars (Canadian data included). ** Includes only respondents who reported variable pay in 2006. Note: Sample size varies between groups. Majority of respondents belong to chapters located in the United States and Canada. United StatesCanada OUSCA (Outside United States/Canada) Median Base Salary*$75,000$61,695$77,891 Median Variable Pay**$10,000$7,932$18,535 Compensation Satisfaction (Indicated “very satisfied”) 22%24%22% Professional Accreditation (Whether with IABC or other) 10%14%19% Self Employment (Indicated “self employed”) 7%6%15% Gender: Male Female 25% 75% 19% 81% 31% 69%

49 49 Comparison (2003 vs. 2006)* Total Canada 20032006 Median Base Salary $58,665$70,000 Compensation Satisfaction 11% “Very Well Compensated”24% “Very Satisfied” Received Variable Pay 41%51% Benefits (Top Three) 1) Dental Plan (94%)1) Medical Plan (92%) 2) Medical Insurance (93%)2) Dental Plan (91%) 3) Long-Term Disability (83%)3) Paid Vacations (80%) Focus of Work (Top Three) 1) General Communications/PR (25%)1) Corporate Communication (22%) 2) Corporate Communications (22%)2) Internal Communication (18%) 3) Internal Communications (10%)3) External Communication (12%) *Caution: Survey design was not identical in 2003 and 2006. As such, only most frequently mentioned (top rated) response categories have been compared. Use caution when interpreting results.


51 51 Summary  Survey Respondents were:  mostly female (81%)  well educated (79% indicated some type of University degree)  Years of Experience:  54% had at least 10 years of experience in the communication profession  Focus of work: 1) Corporate communication (22%) 2) Internal communication (18%) 3) External communication (12%)  Accreditation:  14% of respondents were professionally accredited  11% percent of this 14% were accredited by IABC

52 52 Summary Cont’d... Salary Statistics Total Canada 2006 (Includes all chapters, Base = 1,017) Median base salary = $70,000 Mean base salary = $75,115 IABC/Toronto 2006 (Base = 364) Median base salary = $75,000 Mean base salary = $80,948

53 53 Summary Cont’d... Predictors of Median Base Salary (Total Canada)  The following variables were statistically significant predictors of annual base salary in 2006: 1. Years of Experience in the Communications Profession 2. Gender 3. Accreditation

54 54 Summary Cont’d... Median Salary by Selected Variables (IABC/Toronto) Median Salary by Employment Situation  Self Employed = $80,000  Not Self Employed = $75,000 Median Salary by Professional Accreditation  Accredited = $94,000  Not Accredited = $73,000 Median Salary by Education  Graduate Degree = $87,000  Bachelor’s Degree = $73,000 Median Salary by Gender  Male = $85,000  Female = $72,500

55 55 Summary Cont’d... Three Scenarios (Total Canada) Monica earns less than $60,000 Amy earns $60,000 to less than $80,000 Jesse earns $80,000 or more

56 56 Summary Cont’d... Three Scenarios (Total Canada) Monica (Earns less than $60,000) Amy (Earns $60,000 to less than $80,000 ) Jesse (Earns $80,000 or more) Age (Median) Younger (30) A bit older (38) Older (43) Years of Experience (Likelihood of 20 or more years experience) Less Experience (5%) A little more (10%) Most Experience (32%) Education (Likelihood of Graduate degree) Less Education (9%) A little more (12%) Most Education (22%) Hours Worked per Week (Likelihood of 50 or more per week) Shortest Days (17%) A few more hours (21%) Longest Hours (51%) Accreditation (Likelihood of accreditation) ABC not likely (3%) A few more (11%) ABC Most Likely (25%) Compensation Satisfaction (Likelihood of “very satisfied”) Less Satisfied (12%) More Satisfied (22%) Most Satisfied (40%) Gender (Likelihood female) Mostly Females (86%) Mostly Females (85%) A few more Males (71%)



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