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1 ECOMM Level II. Slide 2 Net Control and Management Why have nets? Prevents chaos in operations What is the net’s mission? “ … to move as much traffic.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ECOMM Level II. Slide 2 Net Control and Management Why have nets? Prevents chaos in operations What is the net’s mission? “ … to move as much traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ECOMM Level II

2 Slide 2 Net Control and Management Why have nets? Prevents chaos in operations What is the net’s mission? “ … to move as much traffic as possible in the least amount of time, accurately and effectively.”

3 Slide 3 Net Control and Management Open (Informal) Nets Smaller nets are usually informal May be used anywhere, often are tactical nets May be used for ‘meta’ nets, nets about the operation of the communications team Stations usually call frequency and NCS may have little to do other than monitor and step in as needed

4 Slide 4 Net Control and Management Directed (Formal) Nets Needed for large working groups or when message volume is high Best to start as a Directed net in an emergency situation NCS is in total control, nothing happens without the NCS’ permission May use multiple other frequencies to place point- to-point communications There is NO casual communication and tactical call signs become important

5 Slide 5 Net Control and Management Operating Modes ANY mode or band may be used for a net. VHF/UHF voice most common for local nets HF often used for long distance or NVIS Voice is easiest to get going, but CW, PSK, Packet, and other modes are sometimes necessary Missions Every net should have a SPECIFIC mission Examples: Resource Net, Tactical Net, Health & Welfare Net

6 Slide 6 Net Control and Management Basic Net Operation Net Control runs the net  starts it, controls it, and keeps track  knows who has checked, where they are, and what they can do  May need an assistant Net Manager  Overall command, may also be NCS if a single net  Usually manages a number of nets and assigns resources & equipment to nets

7 Slide 7 Net Control and Management Liaison Stations Pass messages between nets. Tactical Call Signs Smooth net operations FCC requirements  FCC call sign at the END of an exchange or every 10 minutes during it

8 Slide 8 Net Control and Management Homework Monitor a local net and answer these questions:  Did the net begin at the scheduled time?  Did the NCS acknowledge check ins promptly and accurately  Was discipline good? Was the net run in a business-like manner?  Did the NCS help newcomers?  Was traffic passed accurately and efficiently? Suggested Nets Oregon Section Net 6:30 and 10 PM 3587 kHz D1 Net - Traffic & Training Net ???

9 Slide 9 NCS Overview What is the Net Control Station? The station in control Responsible for proper operation of the net Decides who speaks Controls the ordering of messages Keeps track of  Messages  Resources

10 Slide 10 NCS Overview What makes a skilled NCS? A clear speaking voice Fluency with the language Can handle mental and physical stress for a long period of time Can listen and comprehend in a noisy, chaotic environment Has good hearing Can write legibly Is decisive & self-assured, yet diplomatic and handles people well

11 Slide 11 NCS Overview Basic techniques LISTEN! An efficient work sheet Moving stations to alternate frequencies to pass traffic Clear emergency traffic first Break frequently to check for emergency traffic Be concise – prepared scripts help Take frequent breaks Stay calm Speak with confidence and authority

12 Slide 12 NCS Overview Net Discipline – members should: Report availability promptly to the NCS Ask clearance of the NCS to use the channel Answer promptly when called Use tactical call signs when required Follow established net protocol Check out with NCS if going away from the operating station or leaving the net Remember always: members are volunteers! They don’t HAVE to do this.

13 Slide 13 Learning to be an NCS Volunteer to work with an experienced NCS Volunteer as an NCS Homework: Monitor an established directed net What strengths & weaknesses did the NCS have? How well did the NCS control the flow of messages and information What type of net was it?

14 Slide 14 Learning to be an NCS Practice, Practice, Practice Be willing to learn Accept constructive criticism Contact your EC, DEC, or SEC to volunteer Volunteer for local traffic nets Volunteer with a local club or team

15 Slide 15 Learning to be an NCS Participate in Public Service events, volunteer as net control Train with the best NCS you can find. A good NCS is made, not born Be an NCS as often as possible Monitor and critique other nets frequently

16 Slide 16 NCS Hints & Kinks Start On Time – ALWAYS! Use a Script whenever possible Make a copy and write on it Review it before the net Have a roster handy Keep your forms on a computer and print out the latest copies when needed Post the form to a location where all participants can review it

17 Slide 17 NCS Hints & Kinks Be friendly, but be IN CONTROL Speak slowly and clearly Use an even tone Remain calm Speak confidently, even if you’re not BE SPECIFIC Ask specific questions Give specific answers

18 Slide 18 NCS Hints & Kinks Have paper and pencil handy Write down EVERY call Take good notes Have your log sheet prepared and use it A good worksheet makes any net easier List of checkins, where they are Messages to pass The nature of the net determines what a good worksheet is for that net

19 Slide 19 NCS Hints & Kinks Understand your radio BEFORE the net Know what you can do with it Read the manual Know how to use the microphone Articulate Close to your mouth PRACTICE Recognize and handle ‘doubles’ Listen carefully Know when and how to sort it out

20 Slide 20 NCS Hints & Kinks Recognize people by name It’s a morale booster for people to be known Regularly announce the name and purpose of the net Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Know what other nets are running Redirect people if they check into your net when they need to be somewhere else You WILL make mistakes – don’t let them get in the way, be ready for them

21 Slide 21 NCS Hints & Kinks Don’t think on-the-air Keep transmissions short Keep to the facts A net is rarely a place to speculate If an educated guess is needed, make it clear that’s what it is Refer queries about the event to the PIO

22 Slide 22 NCS Hints & Kinks Use standard phonetics Use plain English No codes except as designated for the net Q-codes are for CW If the net has been quiet for a while (10 minutes or more), check operator status

23 Slide 23 Other NCS Skills Contingency Planning “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail” “Anything that CAN go wrong will. Anything that CAN’T go wrong, still will.” “Murphy was an optimist”

24 Slide 24 Other NCS Skills Contingency Planning Make sure you have reliable and redundant equipment Have backups for people Plan your own backup

25 Slide 25 Other NCS Skills Handovers Keep a list of outstanding messages in your hands Keep a list of outstanding traffic to handle The status of open queries Local and remote contact points Roster of net stations and their status Other information of use to the relief It’s best to plan 10 minutes or so of overlap before you leave

26 Slide 26 Other NCS Skills Coverage Breaks Equipment failure, change of propagation or many other things can drop a station off the line Have a backup NCS designated and ready Backup NCS needs to:  Be ready to pickup the net without turnover  Have all of the scripts & materials available If Backup NCS can’t be full-time, then most experienced member should be ready

27 Slide 27 Other NCS Skills Handling Irate participants Take a DEEP breath and don’t respond immediately or from your ‘gut’ Review what you know of the person and the situation Take the discussion offline if possible Acknowledge the problem Empathize Ask them to suggest a solution If the solution is a good one, see if you can use it If the situation cannot be resolve, send a relief Consider letting the person ‘win’

28 Slide 28 Other NCS Skills Malicious Interference Why does someone interfere? The best approach: Ignore them  Responding only encourages them  They usually get bored and leave if they don’t get any attention Plan alternate frequencies and keywords to shift the net For protracted interference, employ ‘fox-hunters’

29 Slide 29 NCS Homework Volunteer to run a local net Formal or Informal Put together a log of the net Put together a worksheet for the net Create a script for the net

30 Slide 30 Questions?? See you on the 6 th of November for ARECC Level 2 week 3 email: kevinr@cs.unm.edukevinr@cs.unm email: phone: 503 324-2960 Thank you!

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