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Primary Art and Design Art is profoundly important for the full growth of the individual because it deals with ideas, feelings and experiences visually.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Art and Design Art is profoundly important for the full growth of the individual because it deals with ideas, feelings and experiences visually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Art and Design Art is profoundly important for the full growth of the individual because it deals with ideas, feelings and experiences visually and develops a language of visual, tactile and spatial responses which create and sustain images. (Gentle 1985:96)

2 Primary Art and Design To develop an intelligence about visual matters is not a haphazard affair any more than it is with other languages. Experiences of looking, and interpreting analysing and solving problems, visualisng and finding appropriate forms and images for our feelings and ideas are all capable of refinement and enrichment through teaching. (Gentle 1985:96)

3 Art and Design sessions encourage awareness and understanding of:
LEARNING Activities for learning: processes, skills and knowledge CURRICULUM Foundation Stage and National Curriculum requirements for Art and Design including QCA scheme of work School approaches to planning: Long Term, Medium Term and appropriate learning intentions TEACHING Teacher interventions and organisation DOCUMENTATION Store, explore and record ideas and make learning visible, evaluate and review

4 Session 2 Learning Intentions:
Develop awareness of processes and experiences of learning in art and design Increase awareness of knowledge and understanding in art and design Consider ways of expressing learning appropriate for planning purposes Develop awareness of, and skills for, teaching drawing and painting, including application of skills and knowledge

5 Processes and areas of learning:
Storytelling Competencies & skills Artists Craftspeople & Designers Explore Create Evaluate Understand Objects & Still Life Environments Visual Spatial & Tactile qualities Ourselves & others

6 Understanding visual, spatial and tactile elements:
Line Tone Colour Shape Space Texture Pattern Form

7 Understanding art and design experiences and materials:
Drawing Painting Printmaking Collage Textiles Sculpture Digital media

8 For example, understanding in art and design may involve:
Experience: Drawing Materials: pencils, felt pens, threads, torn and cut paper Visual, spatial and tactile elements: line, shape, tone, pattern

9 Linking visual elements and art experiences: colour, painting and sculpture
Investigating colour, shape, space and form through the art experiences of painting and paper sculpture Frogmore Junior School Year 6

10 Supporting learning in painting encourage playful exploration of materials:
Experiment with paint quality and application Investigate and match colour quality and application

11 Supporting learning in painting and colour: developing subject knowledge
Primary colours: blue red yellow (cannot be mixed) Secondary colours: purple orange green (mixed with two primary colours) Tertiary colours: (mixed with primary and secondary) e.g. red + purple = red/purple green + blue = green/blue Complementary (opposite each other on colour wheel) can be mixed to create ‘grey’ tonal ranges Harmonising (next to)

12 Application of knowledge and skills:
Exploring Colour, shape and pattern through painting Frogmore Junior School Year 3

13 Supporting learning: extending vocabulary:
Primary colour: colour that cannot be obtained by mixing Secondary colour: made from mixtures of two primaries Tertiary colour: a mix of one primary and one secondary, effectively three colours Complementary colours: colours which react most with each other and are opposite on the colour wheel Tone: lightness and darkness of colour Hue: the property of a colour that enables it to be identified as red, yellow etc Intensity: saturation, the brightness or brilliance of a colour Monochrome: single colour scheme Achromatic: black and white



16 Supporting learning in painting: control through challenge
Take one colour and mix as dark as possible without using black and apply to the paper in four different ways Mix a colour thinly then apply a ‘wash’ of that colour Now paint over the wash with thick paint of the same colour Mix light colours to paint over dark - creamy with white Match oil pastels to painted areas

17 Supporting Learning: exploring colour and paint in artists work:
What are the main colours the artist used? Does the background have different colours from those in the foreground? Look for different shades of the same colour - what have they been used for? Do any colours stand out from the rest? Why do you think the artist chose to use these colours? How has the colour been used (small dots, blocks, thickly, thinly)? What is the mood of the picture?

18 The Bathers at Asnieres, George-Pierre Seurat 1859-1891

19 Pop Art

20 Composition with Red, Yellow, Blue and Black, 1921 Piet Mondrian

21 A Bigger Grand Canyon, 1998 David Hockney

22 Snow Flowers, 1951 Henri Matisse

23 The Tragedy, 1903 Pablo Picasso

24 Combing the Hair (La Coiffure) Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas 1834 - 1917

25 Colour and Pattern


27 Michael Brennand-Wood
Children working with colour and structure following engagement with the work of Michael Brennand-Wood

28 Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) 1891 Henri Rousseau


30 Supporting Learning: experiment and control:
Control colour mixing to produce a range within a colour family Select appropriate collage materials and match to painted areas Develop vocabulary of colour Combine tonal colour studies and record photographically in sketchbooks



33 Supporting learning: stimulating work from observation or experience
Produce a detailed watercolour painting using fine brushes – from observation (natural objects or eyes) or experience (story) Work over the painting using pastels, fineliners, colour pencils, adding detail and exploring texture.

34 Work based on Japanese legend ‘The Kingdom under the Sea’

35 Productive verbs to describe learning:
Explore and Develop: record, select, question, collect, ask, answer Investigate and Make: investigate, sort, combine, match, apply, communicate, represent, sustain, manipulate Review and Develop: compare, adapt, describe, organise, review, identify, improve, sustain, comment, refine Breadth of study: explore, collaborate, share, consider, adapt

36 Colour Activities and the National Curriculum
Exploring colour - powder paint and brush L.I: Develop colour mixing and matching techniques through a series of challenges Colour studies L.I:Control colour mixing to create tones, select appropriate collage materials and match to painted areas whilst developing a colour vocabulary Application of skills and knowledge L.I: Apply experience of painting process and develop control using fine brushes to produce a detailed watercolour painting

37 Learning Intentions in Art (Colour) London Borough of Tower Hamlets Inspection and Advisory Services
Year 3: Know the primaries and mix and name secondaries. Demonstrate increasing skills at matching colours to real objects and artefacts. Year 4: Use specific colour language e.g. tint, tone and different kinds of a single colour e.g. scarlet, crimson. Year 5: Use b+w to create shades and tints. Demonstrate a secure knowledge about P, S and C colours. Demonstrate a wide colour vocabulary and know, for example, which colour families ultramarine and turquoise belong to. Year 6: Name S,T and C colours and how to mix them. Name a reasonably wide range of different painters and be able to apply their knowledge of these to their own work e.g. painting techniques.

38 Brush Care Dip brush in cold water (hot water can damage the brush)
Use a cloth to wipe off excess paint Rinse brush under tap Rub brush over household soap Rinse well under cold tap

39 Health and Safety Adequate space Water pots (no glass) Licking brushes
Powder paint

40 Follow-up activity Using the list of ‘stem’ or ‘productive’ verbs (record explore investigate combine) devise appropriate objectives for activities in Sessions 1 and 2, making references to national frameworks To think about: supporting pupils with additional needs, including visual impairment

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