URL Parts Explained: Flash Card Review. Protocol Tells us we are only going to view this document not copy it.

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1 URL Parts Explained: Flash Card Review

2 http://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html Protocol Tells us we are only going to view this document not copy it into our storage http://

3 http://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html Domain Name (Server + Suffix) Google is the server where the item is located The Suffix tells us this is a commercial business www.google.com

4 http://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html Suffix Tells us this is a commercial business. com

5 http://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html Directory These are the directions to the resource 1.html looks like it is also the name of the document **the html tells us what kind of document this is….one written in hypertext markup language. /webmasters/1.html

6 http://www.poorrichard.com/newsltr/instruct/subsplain.htm Protocol Tells us we are only going to view this document not copy it into our storage http://

7 http://www.poorrichard.com/newsltr/instruct/subsplain.htm Domain Name (Server + Suffix) The server poorrichard is where the item is located. The suffix.com tells us it is a commercial business. www.poorrichard.com

8 http://www.poorrichard.com/newsltr/instruct/subsplain.htm Directory These are the directions to the resource /newsltr/instruct/

9 http://www.poorrichard.com/newsltr/instruct/subsplain.htm This (subsplain) is the name of the actual document you are trying to get to. **.ppt tells the kind of document is a PowerPoint subsplain.ppt

10 http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/default.ppt Protocol Tells us we are only going to view this document not copy it into our storage http://

11 http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/default.ppt Domain Name (Server + Suffix) The server microsoft is where the item is located. The suffix.com tells us this is a commercial business. www.microsoft.com

12 http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/default.ppt Suffix Tells us this is a commercial business.com

13 http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/default.ppt Directory These are the directions to the resource /windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/

14 http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/default.ppt default is the name of the actual document you are trying to get to. **.exl tells us the document is a excel spreadsheet. default.exl

15 www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKeulLPJAo Domain Name (Server + Suffix) Youtube is the name of the server where the item is located.com tells us that it is a commercial business. www.youtube.com

16 www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKeulLPJAo This symbol tells us that some kind of calculation is going to be performed before the document is retrieved. ?

17 www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKeulLPJAo This tells us we are going to a specific document named “4SKeuiLPJAo” What does the = sign tell us about this document?

18 What does the following mean if you see it in a URL? It means you are going to be looking at someone’s personal web page. ~

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