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LKR Working group Introduction R. Fantechi October 27 th, 2009.

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1 LKR Working group Introduction R. Fantechi October 27 th, 2009

2 2 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 The motivation –Work on the new readout with the CARE module well advanced –So start to think and discuss all the items needed to have a “second generation” LKr readout and operation –Obviously CAREs are the biggest item in the list, but don’t forget many other small things which allowed a very good performance of the calorimeter for NA48

3 3 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 SLM readout –It is the readout developed for getting rid of Optical links and data concentrators The hardware is installed (see slides from Mauro Piccini) A complete system test including data transfer and analysis should be done In this way a LKr readout with the NA48 rate capabilities could be available if needed Still to think a possible integration of this system with the readout of other subsystems using the NA62 trigger scheme –As an interim readout waiting for the CARE system

4 4 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 CARE and the readout –Progress being made in the hardware testing See slides from Bjorn and Henk Many items to clear/define/discuss: –Definition of the trigger interface –Would be possible to have a scheme where a partial fraction of the data is sent to a L1 trigger to reduce the final readout rate? –Topology of link connections, strategy for link multiplexing –Number and configuration of PC’s needed to make zero suppression + event building –Plans to setup asap a complete test chain Pulser, equipped CARE, trigger simulator, PC

5 5 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 Calibration –The calibration hardware needs some refresh Driver circuitry in NIM and CAMAC driven by VME Possibly get rid of all this i.e. with dedicated logic board + ELMB with a proper patch panel Minimum adjustments near the LKr flanges –DAC to be repaired, better layout –Pulser circuitry OK –Review of calibration software The output format could vary The old calibration procedure should be inserted in the new NA62 software environment It could now be the time to review/document configurations/procedures

6 6 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 DCS –Also the slow control needs some refresh Old crates not there anymore CARE hardware provides many monitor values Maintain transceiver and preamplifier monitor/control Maybe insert control of calibration hardware HV system should be simplified –Peculiar custom hardware –The designer is retired –Some functionality not needed anymore

7 7 R. Fantechi - 27/10/2009 LKr trigger –A new system is being developed Functionality similar to the old one Should review the old calibration procedure from Vienna –Needed for the calibration of analog sums –It was a tricky one –Two single board computers working together –Switch the calibration to a special mode –Link the two systems with a cable Need to review and integrate as automatic procedure

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