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Welcome to Room 607  Ashley Manis- 3 rd year at TMS  I teach:  RELA - OL  Pre-AP RELA  6 th grade AVID  Contact me: 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 607  Ashley Manis- 3 rd year at TMS  I teach:  RELA - OL  Pre-AP RELA  6 th grade AVID  Contact me: "— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Room 607  Ashley Manis- 3 rd year at TMS  I teach:  RELA - OL  Pre-AP RELA  6 th grade AVID  Contact me:   Currently unable to respond to email due to GroupWise issue(isolated incident).  281-641-3896  My conference: 5 th period

3 REMIND  This used to be Remind 101, now it is just Remind  1 way communication- I can text you, but you can’t text back! (I will not make contact after the hours of 6pm or on weekends)  Great for updates & reminders.  Closed system- I don’t see your cell #.  Please sign up now (see the handout outside the room).

4 RELA-OL Monday-Wednesday: Reading Reading comprehension, annotating text and analysis Thursday-Friday: Writing Skills/Strategies Quick Writes(prompts), developing drafts, understanding the writings process, research, citing sources, expository and persuasive writing.

5 RELA: Pre-AP  Pre-AP RELA- This class works at a 10 th grade high school level. Expect the class work to be rigorous.  Summer Reading: Due September 18 th  The project options are located on the Humble ISD web page.  Easiest way to find it is to search “Summer Reading Rubric”

6 RELA PRE-AP Monday-Wednesday: Reading critical analysis of sophomore level text, annotations. Thursday-Friday: Writing Skills/Strategies quick writes, developing drafts, syntax, grammar, research, citing sources, expository and persuasive writing.

7 Pre-AP NOVELS  Fall- The Hobbit By J.R. Tolkien  Starts the 2 nd 9 weeks.  Spring- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee  Starts the 4 th 9 weeks - In order to analyze and discuss the text, a majority of readings will be done OUTSIDE OF CLASS. Therefore, it is imperative that students complete the reading prior to class discussion for comprehension purposes

8 Writing Journals  Dreaded Composition Notebook: Its intended purpose it to assist students in…  Organizing resources  Compiling notes for grammar  Writing and literature analysis  Sources needed for studying purposes at home will be taken via c-notes and located in the student binder.  Composition books will remain in class.

9 KNOWSYS for 8 th Grade  Cards: NO LONGER mandatory; a few are still available for purchase (limited quantity/CASH ONLY).  Students:  KNOWSYS list( PPT Monday)  practice packet (HW: Mon-Fri)  Quizzes on Thursday/Friday.  Tests: every 5 weeks over 5 sets of words.  is a perfect tool to utilize for practice.

10 College?  If you would like, you may try and locate your students shirt on the wall outside of the classroom.  You may also browse the literature books to see the types of selections we will be analyzing.

11 Don’t forget to sign in! TUTORING: Monday 4-5pm or by appointment Tutorials

12 Thank You  Thank you for attending Open House, I appreciate your concern and support. Together, we can ensure a successful year.

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