THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 23: J ïäna- yoga THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 23: J ïäna- yoga (SB Canto 11, Chapter 28) 3/24/2012Carucandra.

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1 THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 23: J ïäna- yoga THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 23: J ïäna- yoga (SB Canto 11, Chapter 28) 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 1

2 Recap & Chapter 28 highlights  Chapter 28 is the summary of J ïäna-yoga that has been described in detail in previous chapters beginning with chapter 23 on Bhikñu-gétä of the Avanté brähmaëa.  Bhikñu-gétä reveals that it is the mind absorbed in false ego, which is the real and direct cause of our material miseries and so-called happiness.  Krsna now elaborates to Uddhava an understanding of this false ego on j ïäna platform in terms of how it manifests, how to recognize it, what makes it appear real even though it is an illusion, and what is its remedy. 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 2

3 Krsna begins: “One should neither praise nor criticize the conditioned nature and activities of other persons…” Why? (1-9)  Because one’s material nature and activities are caused by the interactions of the 3 modes of material nature  remains absorbed in temporary, material platform  becomes forgetful of his eternal, spiritual reality.  Rather one should see this world as simply the combination of material nature and the enjoying spirit souls, all based on the Absolute Truth. 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 3

4  One who disregards this advice is subject to his entanglement in illusory dualities.  Analogy of the illusory experience of one’s dream state, or death-like deep sleep, causes loss of external consciousness.  The Absolute Truth is reflected on the objects manifested by material nature. However, shadow or reflection is not the reality, but an illusion. Nonetheless, the illusory identification generates fear within him even up to the moment of death.  Furthermore, illusion distracts the conditioned soul from the Absolute Truth  absorbs his mind in manifestation of material nature, or false ego, which ultimately is non-different from the Supreme Lord. 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 4

5  Both matter and spirit are energies of the Lord. Yet, the temporary forms of matter represent ignorance and frustration of the spirit soul.  Why everything seem separated from Krsna? Because of His time potency!  One who has properly understood the process of realized knowledge, as revealed by the Lord, does not indulge in material criticism or praise. 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 5

6  Material world is not the ultimate reality  one should live while in material world without attachment  sensory perception, inference, scriptures, and one’s own realization  Two main material dualities: i. seeing material good and bad, etc  subject to negation by the influence of time ii. seeing the entire material world as separate from or independent of the Lord  mere hallucination 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 6

7 Uddhava’s question: Dull matter (body) without consciousness cannot experience sufferings or enjoyment, whereas the spirit soul has nothing to do with matter and yet, the soul does experience bodily sensations. How is it possible? (10-11) 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 7

8  “…who or what is actually experiencing the ignorance and anxiety of this material existence?  This conscious experience of material life cannot be denied, and thus Uddhava asks Lord Krsna, this question to elicit a more precise understanding of the process by which illusion occurs.”  Analogy of fire (spirit soul) and firewood (material body) 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 8

9 Lord Krsna’s response (12-44)  The short answer is the false ego!  The spirit soul overwhelmed by the mind absorbed in false ego  experience of material existence  The subject matter of 3.37.4; 4.29.35, 73; and 11.22.56 as well  Analogy of painful experience in a dream state, but not after awakened  Experience of the false ego and not of the pure soul 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 9

10  False ego is the pure soul’s illusory identification with the subtle material mind and the gross material body  lamentation for things lost, jubilation over things gained, fear of things inauspicious, anger at the frustration of his desires, and greed for sense gratification  perpetual material existence  transmigration  Then the obvious question   Why would the spirit soul accept such a nature of the false ego?  The answer: the living entity never acts independently; rather, after accepting the false ego, runs after material sense enjoyment, being influenced by the 3 modes, under the control of the time potency of the Supreme Lord 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 10

11  How to recognize and then cut off one’s attachment to the false ego? (17)  False ego has no factual basis  illusory bodily conception of life  Perceived in many forms  activities of the mind, speech, life air and senses  One must cut off his attachment to the false ego with the sword of knowledge, received through disciplic succession and devotee association, by devotional service unto the Supreme Lord 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 11

12  Ways to understand the source of knowledge—1 st Catuh-Çloki Bhägavatam (18)  Gained by the power of discrimination between matter and spirit  Hearing from the Vedas  One’s own realization  The instructions of the great sages of the past  Logical inference  Such knowledge  realization of the Supreme Brahman, who alone existed before the cosmic manifestation, who alone will continue to exist after its destruction, and who alone is the actual reality during the interim period of universal maintenance 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 12

13  Manifestation of the mind in three states of consciousness, but it is the 4 th state, existing separately from all this, that alone constitute the Absolute Truth (20-24) i. Wakefulness in the mode of goodness ii. Dream state in the mode of passion iii. Deep sleep in the mode of ignorance iv. Turya—the transcendental state or beyond the material modes of nature   What makes illusion appear real, but temporary  Because Krsna is in it as His time potency  The material world is non-different from the Supreme Lord  born from mahat-tattva, the total material nature 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 13 illusion the ultimate reality

14  What is the remedy for this illusory identification of the self? (25-44)  Realization of the Supreme Lord’s personal identity  The Absolute Truth is unchanging and unaffected by material conditions, and so is the liberated soul.  A neophyte jïäni, however, should not whimsically try to imitate the liberated soul  carefully avoid associating with the modes of material nature, which are products of the Lord’s material energy  Sometimes a practicing transcendentalist is excessively attached to his family members, who are sent by envious demigods  by the strength of his spiritual advancement he will resume his practice in next life  never again be bound in the network of karma 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 14

15  Equipped with this knowledge, he will not seek false enjoyment by indulging in material sense gratification.  The prescribed remedies for lust and other enemies of the mind are meditation on the Supreme Lord and congregational chanting of the Holy Name.  The remedy for the illusory nature of the false ego is rendering devotional service to the Supreme Lord and His devotees.  Practice of mystic yoga is worthless as the intended perfection pertains to the material body, and not the spirit soul. 3/24/2012Carucandra Dasa 15

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