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Introduction to StrengthsQuest. Writing Challenge Write your signature 5 times with dominant hand Write your signature 5 times with non- dominant hand.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to StrengthsQuest. Writing Challenge Write your signature 5 times with dominant hand Write your signature 5 times with non- dominant hand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to StrengthsQuest

2 Writing Challenge Write your signature 5 times with dominant hand Write your signature 5 times with non- dominant hand What is the Difference?

3 Your Challenge: to clearly understand why each of your 5 signature themes is beneficial and to be able to explain what your talents empower you to do.

4 The Concept of Strengths You have a group of talents within you Your greatest talents hold the key to high achievement, success, and progress to levels of personal excellence. Becoming aware of your talents builds confidence and provides a basis for achievement

5 More About Strengths Learning how to develop and apply strengths will improve your levels of achievement Each of your talents can be applied in many areas, including relationships, learning, academics, leadership, service, and careers

6 What is a Talent? A naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Among the most authentic aspects of your personhood—part of what makes you a unique person This uniqueness holds great value for you and those around you

7 General Examples of Talents Behavior patterns that make you effective Thought patterns that make you efficient Beliefs that empower you to succeed Attitudes that sustain your efforts toward achievement and excellence Motivations that propel you to take action and maintain the energy needed to achieve

8 What is a Strength? A strength is the ability to provide consistent, near perfect performance in a specific given activity The key to building a strength is to identify your greatest talents, then refine them with knowledge and skills (this could be through experience or academic learning)

9 More About Strengths As you develop and apply strengths, your achievements will increase and you will experience greater and more frequent successes Developing and applying strengths results in reaching levels of personal excellence and becoming the person you have the potential to be~~and that is exciting!

10 The Purpose of this Class To help you identify your greatest talents To show you how to develop and apply your strengths To teach you how to maximize your talents in a major/career

11 Research on Top Achievers The best of the best build their lives upon their greatest talents They manage their weaknesses They invent ways to take their talents into areas where they want to improve and increase their performance

12 Vs. Popular Opinion Greatest opportunity to improve your performance comes from focusing on your weaknesses (The best that anyone can become by focusing on their weaknesses is mediocre)

13 The StrengthsQuest Program Designed to build your awareness of your talents Show you how to develop and apply your strengths in academics, careers, relationships, leadership, and the various adventures that lead to a fulfilling life

14 Getting the Most Out of Your Clifton StrengthsFinder Report Please take a few minutes to fill out this sheet.

15 Quick Reference Card This card lists all 34 signature themes, and gives a brief description of each You must refer to the online textbook to get more specific information about the benefits/downside of each theme.

16 “My Signature Themes and How I Use the Talents in Them” Write down your top 5 Signature Themes From your text:  Write down the description  Write down why the theme is beneficial  When/how you recently used the talents in this theme?

17 Assignments (at Click on “StrengthsQuest Book”. Read Chapter 10. Print off chapter 11 and fill out. (about 4 pages). We will discuss and have a short Quiz over it next time. Finish “My Signature Themes and How I Use the Talents in Them” Due Next Class.

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