MEET THE BOARD. London and South-East Region 1 st October 2015

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Presentation on theme: "MEET THE BOARD. London and South-East Region 1 st October 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 MEET THE BOARD. London and South-East Region 1 st October 2015 @CMI_LondonandSE@CMI_LondonandSE

2 AGENDA. 1.Introductions 2.Our Region 3.CMI National Strategy 4.CMI Regional Strategy 5.Education Providers 6.Professional Bodies 7.Networks 8.Women in Management 9.Institute of Consulting 10.Events 11.PR Communications – Social Media 12.PR Communications – Newsletters etc 13.New initiative - Affiliate Members 14.Conclusion and wrap up


4 ›Over 18,000 members in the region or 21% of total membership ›Due to the centric nature of London – we attract members outside the region

5 3. NATIONAL STRATEGY. Increase the quality and quantity of professional qualitied managers and leaders ›Growing partnerships to increase the number of CMgrs and qualified managers ›Create the right integration of products, propositions and channels for customers ›Build the CMI brand as thought leaders in management practice ›Be the professional home for management and leadership ›Develop global mind-set and presence


7 ›Paul Taylor Chair ›Deputy Chair to be recruited ›Reetu Kansa WiM ›Rosalind BergemannIC ›Matt Jones PR + Comms ›Jeff GardnerPR + Comms ›Chris GarlickEvents ›Maria Liuzzo Events Support / Volunteer ›Shani Mashhood Networks ›Al GhaffNetworks Admin ›Bandhu DasProfessional Bodies ›Ann Bell Education Provider ›Giles Polglase HE Activities ›Gail Jones Finance/Budget ›Sally-Ann BurnettAffiliates BurnettAffiliates

8 4. REGIONAL STRATEGY. ›We are here to serve the membership ›Therefore please let us know if you have an ideas, suggestions or initiatives to take forward

9 AGENDA. 1.Introductions 2.Our Region 3.CMI National Strategy 4.CMI Regional Strategy 5.Education Providers 6.Professional Bodies 7.Networks 8.Women in Management 9.Institute of Consulting 10.Events 11.PR Communications Social Media 12.PR Communications Newsletters etc 13.New initiative - Affiliate Members 14.Conclusion and wrap up

10 5. EDUCATION PROVIDERS. ›Higher Education partners are crucial to the HE strategy ›Large % of CMI’s university and business school partnerships are based in London & South East ›Board engagement is driven by CMI business deal followed by selected curriculum enrichment activity ›Our focus is on enrichment activity that adds value to learning and employability (awards, guest speaker and Network events on campus, skills development sessions, mentoring, etc)

11 6. PROFESSIONAL BODIES. Aims: to work with and support staff: ›To strengthen and deepen existing CMI professional bodies relationships ›To use local member and board contacts/relationships to develop and progress relationships with professional bodies or trade associations ›To identify possible leads and support the development of relevant new professional body or trade association partners with CMI when appropriate. By:  Leveraging existing contacts in the region  Brokering contact/relationships between CMI and professional bodies  Raising the profile of professional body partnerships and possibilities NB London and SE may on occasions have a particular role as many professional bodies are headquartered in London; but the regional board focus needs to remain regional as far as possible

12 7. NETWORKS. ›Regional Member Networks ◦CMI Square Mile ◦CMI London CPD ◦CMI Kent ◦CMI in Sussex (Professional bodies / Brighton Uni) ◦Institute of Consulting ◦Women in Management ›Strategic Networks ◦Health ◦Others

13 7. NETWORKS. ›Increased engagement at both local and national level through our member networks. ›Partnership working with more Learning Organisations, Employers and Professional Bodies to increase our reach. ›Closer engagement between our regional and strategic networks ›We encourage you to join one or more member networks ›If you feel there is a gap and would like to set up a member network in your area please get in touch

14 8. WIM. ›WiM aims to support women managers and aspiring managers in their development ›WiM works in partnership with the CMI and the IC to engage existing members and attract new members ›There are 23,000 WiM members nationally and we want to encourage more people to engage with us ›WiM offers a varied programme of events and activities, both face to face and virtual ›WiM offers the opportunity to network and meet women from a wide range of backgrounds, exchange ideas and develop skills which can be used in all areas of life ›You can find out more about what we do, including the current research on women’s pay on the WiM webpage: services/wim-network Women in Management

15 9. INSTITUTE OF CONSULTING. ›The aim of IC is to support consultants in their careers and professional development ›Part of the IC’s mission is to bridge the gap between clients and consultants to ensure successful completion of projects and a more positive experience for clients working with consultants, in order to ensure a positive image of consultants in the marketplace ›IC offers a number of membership resources aimed at helping newcomers to the consultancy market develop their careers, as well as on-going professional development for more experienced consultants ›IC offers members a wide variety of awards, qualifications and training, and is the only body to offer the Certified Management Consultant Award

16 9. INSTITUTE OF CONSULTING. ›IC offers members a wide variety of awards, qualifications and training, and is the only body to offer the Certified Management Consultant Award ›IC allows members to register on the National Consultants Register, which can be accessed by purchasers of consultancy services, thereby providing business development opportunities ›IC also has ConsultingDirect, which is an online resource portal to help consultants learn, understand best practice, win new business, fast track careers and lead with innovative ideas ›You can find out more about what we do and offer members on the IC webpage:

17 10. EVENTS. ›A rich programme of CPD and networking events across the year from the Networks ›Co-ordinated events across the region – something for everyone ›Representing the CMI’s expertise and thought leadership ›CPD and skills development opportunities ›Developing digital options - regular webinars - for better access ›Supported by funding from CMI based on business plans submitted ›We welcome further ideas that support the KPI's and provide value for money for members

18 11. PR AND COMMUNICATIONS. Social Media › london-south-east ›@CMI_LondonandSE › London-South-East-5161084? › (Chair) › (Board members )

19 12. PR AND COMMUNICATIONS. Newsletters and other regulation communication ›Membership matters – monthly email out to all members ◦Published – 1st Tuesday of the month ›Regional e-newsletter – monthly email out to all members ◦Published – 2nd Tuesday of the month ›Regional Events – monthly email out to all members ◦Published – Last Tuesday of the month ›Professional Manager - (event information uploaded to CMI website)

20 13. AFFILIATES. ›New initiative ›Large population of students with a low conversation rate to full membership grades. ›New initiative to try increase the conversion rate ›Focus on providing benefit to student members so they will want to convert.

21 THANK YOU FOR LISTENING. Please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions.

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