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2 Teach Epidemiology Enduring Epidemiological Understandings.

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2 2 Teach Epidemiology Enduring Epidemiological Understandings

3 3 Teach Epidemiology Enduring Epidemiological Understandings 10. Individual and societal health-related decisions to improve health and prevent disease are based on more than scientific evidence. Social, economic, ethical, environmental, cultural, and political factors may also be considered in decision-making.

4 4 Teach Epidemiology Enduring Epidemiological Understandings 11. The effectiveness of a health-related strategy can be evaluated by comparing the frequency of disease in selected groups of people who were and were not exposed to the strategy. Costs, trade-offs, and alternative solutions must also be considered in evaluating the strategy.

5 5 Teach Epidemiology Enduring Epidemiological Understandings 12. An understanding of non-health related phenomena can be developed through epidemiologic thinking, by identifying their patterns in populations, formulating causal hypotheses, and testing those hypotheses by making group comparisons.


7 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. Empowers students to be scientifically literate participants in the democratic decision-making process concerning public health policy. Empowers students to make more informed personal health-related decisions. Increases students’ media literacy and their understanding of public health messages. Increases students’ understanding of the basis for determining risk. Improves students’ mathematical and scientific literacy. Expands students’ understanding of scientific methods and develops their critical thinking skills. Provides students with another mechanism for exploring important, real world questions about their health and the health of others. Introduces students to an array of career paths related to the public’s health. Top 8 Reasons to Teach / Learn about Epidemiology Teach Epidemiology

8 8 At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will have become more: Workshop Objectives 1.Enthusiastic about the prospect of teaching epidemiology. 2.Likely to be an advocate for teaching epidemiology. 3.Knowledgeable about the science of epidemiology. 4.Capable of teaching epidemiology. 5.Likely to teach epidemiology in the next school year. Teach Epidemiology

9 To increase the frequency with which epidemiology is taught to students in grades 6-12 9 Workshop Goal Teach Epidemiology

10 10 Teach Epidemiology What do you mean - Teach Epidemiology? Explore Public Health Career Paths Competitions: YES, Science Olympiad Show and Discuss Is Epidemiology in Your Future? Infuse Epidemiology into Existing Lesson about Something Else Create and Teach a New Epidemiology Lesson Teach Existing Epidemiology Lesson View a News Item from an Epidemiologic Perspective (“Network”) OTHERS???

11 11 Teach Epidemiology Post-Workshop Assessment

12 Teach Epidemiology

13 Workshop Process Evaluation Teach Epidemiology

14 Professional Development Workshop Thank You!

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