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Blogs and Twitter Technology for Journalists. What we’ll go over today A. What is expected out of blogs/twitter B. Blogs vs. traditional print reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogs and Twitter Technology for Journalists. What we’ll go over today A. What is expected out of blogs/twitter B. Blogs vs. traditional print reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogs and Twitter Technology for Journalists

2 What we’ll go over today A. What is expected out of blogs/twitter B. Blogs vs. traditional print reporting

3 Blogs Content Frequency Connectivity

4 Blogs: Content How does content on a news blog differ from that in a newspaper? - Length: Generally speaking, newspaper stories are longer than blog entries, which often are just a few hundred words. - Subject matter: Limited. Clear focus or niche. Often targets a particular audience.particular audience - Medium: Available online, often not replicated in print. May drive readers to other parts of news organization or other - Chronology: Posts appear in reverse chronological order. - Timely…

5 Blogs: Frequency Frequency arguably matters just as much as depth of content. News blog content is updated frequently, perhaps before the “full” picture has been gathered. Posts may not rise to a level of importance that merits space in print publication.level of importance Just interesting: Today’s news blogs grew out of authors’ online journals.

6 Speed v. Accuracy

7 Blogs: Connectivity Content - Blog posts often link to other news reporting or online content - Links enables readers to explore a topic in greater detail - Adds credibility… and lets your work be found on the web Community - Encourages public discourse (comments, links, etc.) - Blog posts may respond, challenge, add to, etc., others’ arguments or reports

8 Blogs CNN's Science Blog : http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com WBEZ Jim DeRogatis music blog: Sports : NYT's Nate Silver:

9 Twitter What are the differences/similarities between news blogs and Twitter? Big difference: Twitter is “microblogging.” Allows for 140 characters—meaning it offers even smaller bites of content. Similarities: – Reverse chronological order. – Drives readers elsewhere. – Encourages discourse, via responses, retweets, etc.

10 Twitter #--what does it do for journalists? - Helps users group information, find information on particular subject - Contributes to discourse - Searchable -Enables broader audience to find your content -Used to identify Trending Topics

11 Twitter @--what good is it to journalists? - User name or handle - Linked/Searchable - Allows users to direct messages to an individual, but in public setting - = @usernamehere

12 Twitter - “Following” means the user’s content appears in your news feed. - One-wayOne-way - Direct messages are private, but can only be sent to those who follow you.

13 Twitter

14 Speed v. Accuracy CNN Breaking News ✔ @cnnbrk Investigators believe they've ID'd suspect in Boston bombings, source tells @JohnKingCNN 12:04 PM - 17 Apr 2013 Official: Two men sought as possible suspects in Boston bombing Investigators ask for authorities in tracking down 2 men who they consider "possible suspects," a law enforcement official said. CNN @CNN

15 Wordpress Started in 2003 Most popular Most popular blogging system online About 20 percent of all new websites use Wordpress Allows for high level of customization and it’s free!

16 Wordpress Getting started - Picking a theme - Title! - Author/About you section - First post

17 Twitter Getting started - Setting up account, bio, Wordpress link (reflexive) - Start following … and be followed

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