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Why did Clinton lose to 2008 Democrat Primaries?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Clinton lose to 2008 Democrat Primaries?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Clinton lose to 2008 Democrat Primaries?

2 The main reasons Clinton lost Poor organisation, personnel and management Losing the money primary The Iowa defeat No plans past Super Tuesday Bill Clinton Primary Calendar Party rules

3 Why did Obama then go on to beat John McCain? Two term itch GWBush and his ratings Debating skills Right track/ wrong track perception The economy The Palin Effect Fundraising capabilities

4 Watch some TV for homework Search the BBC online, CNN,ABC etc and all other main channels for video footage of the key moments in the election. Start with the Primaries, move onto the National Party Conventions, then onto the live TV debates between McCain and Obama. Watch them all and try to gain new insight into how elections are won in the USA. Pay particular attention to advertising, finance and media coverage. If you want to push yourself, read some articles in the Washington Post and Timesonline.

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