Cortez and Pizarro/Aztecs, Incas, Mayas Power point By: Lizzie and Ariana A M I.

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Presentation on theme: "Cortez and Pizarro/Aztecs, Incas, Mayas Power point By: Lizzie and Ariana A M I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cortez and Pizarro/Aztecs, Incas, Mayas Power point By: Lizzie and Ariana A M I

2 5.2 Identify the three major pre-Columbian civilizations that existed in Central and South America (Maya, Aztec, and Inca) and their locations. Describe their political structures, religious practices, and use of slaves. 5.4 Explain why the Aztec and Inca civilizations declined in the 16th century. A. the encounters between Cortez and Montezuma B. the encounters between Pizarro and the Incas C. the goals of the Spanish conquistadors D. the effects of European diseases, particularly smallpox, throughout the Western hemisphere Standards

3 Aztecs *The Aztecs were polytheistic (believe in many gods). Such as Quetzalcoatl (a pale skinned bearded god). *The Aztecs made human sacrifice to please their gods *Their capital was Tenochtitlan, it was surrounded on water too keep out enemies. *The Aztecs died when the Spanish brought smallpox.

4 Mayas They lived on the Mexican Cost that was the Yucatan Peninsula The Mayas were polytheistic. (They believed in many gods.) They had slaves that they sometimes let free.

5 Incas The Inca civilization had about 20,000,000 people. They lived in the Andes mountains in Peru. Their capital was Cuzco.

6 Cortez Cortez conquered the Aztecs. He was successful because he killed the Aztecs emperor. Cortez was mistaken for Quetzalcoatl (a god). When he conquered the Aztecs he brought about 500 men and 16 horses in 1519.

7 Pizarro Pizarro conquered the Incas He was successful because he kidnapped their emperor Atahualpa (an emperor) and sent out a ransom. When he got what he wanted he killed Atahualpa anyway.

8 Conclusion How did the Spanish conquistadors and change Central and South America forever? The conquistadors (people who conquered) changed their language to Spanish. Today in Central and South America all lot of people are Christian and the don’t worship their native gods. Most of the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas culture and tradition became extinct forever.

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