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Latitude and Longitude Angular measurements used to locate positions on the earth’s surface Reference line- Line which serves as a starting point for.

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2 Latitude and Longitude Angular measurements used to locate positions on the earth’s surface Reference line- Line which serves as a starting point for measurement. Equator- reference line for latitude 0 O. Prime meridian- reference line for longitude 0 O.

3 Latitude Measurement north and south of the equator Parallels- imaginary lines that connect equal values of latitude. Greatest latitude is 90 0 (North & South pole)

4 Labeled and used like the Y-axis on a graph Must always have a label N or S designating the location north or south of the equator. Based on the position of Polaris (North star).

5 Longitude Measurement east and west of the prime meridian. Meridians- imaginary lines that connect equal values of longitude. All meet at the north & south geographic poles Greatest longitude is 180 (international date line). Labeled and used like the X-axis on a graph. Must always have a label E or W designating the location east or west of the prime meridian. Based on the position of the sun.

6 Distance One degree of latitude or longitude is just over 69 miles. At 45 degrees N or S of the equator, one degree of longitude is about 49 miles.

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