Art Through the Ages Volume I Early African Art. African Art Philosophy: Art was created and conserved to honor the ancestors in preparation of the afterlife.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Through the Ages Volume I Early African Art. African Art Philosophy: Art was created and conserved to honor the ancestors in preparation of the afterlife."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Through the Ages Volume I Early African Art

2 African Art Philosophy: Art was created and conserved to honor the ancestors in preparation of the afterlife. Ancestor worship and nature deities Art was used for rituals Hunters and gatherers society Art differed according to a regions economy, lifestyle, ideology, and materials available to them. Works were made from terracotta, ivory, cast metal Art was used for trade

3 Africa

4 The Earliest Art In Africa The worlds earliest art was discovered in Africa Rock engraving was one of the earliest mediums used in Africa. Rock art was concentrated in the dry desert regions There was a rich record of environment, human activities, and animal species

5 Characteristics of Nok Art (Central Sudan) Pierced eyes, mouth and ear holes. Clay sculptures Ritual context

6 Nok Head, 500 B.C.- 200 A.D. Rafin Kura, Nigeria Terracotta 1’ 2 3/16”

7 Heads of Lydenburg (South Africa), 6 th – 8 th century Nearly life size terracotta heads discovered outside of Lydenburg Heads were reconstructed from fragments of Terracotta Scarification on forehead, temples, and between eyes

8 Early Iron Age Earthenware Head, Lydenburg, 500-600 A.D. 210 mm Radiocarbon date to about 500 to 600 A.D. One of the seven Lydenburg heads

9 Equestrain Figure on Fly-Whisk Hilt, Igbo Ukwu, 9 th – 10 th Century Copper-alloy bronze 6 3/16” high A bronze-casting tradition developed in West African during the 9 th and 10 th century. Facial stripes (scarification) on the figure represents marks of status Oldest metal castings known from regions south of the Sahara

10 King, Ile Ife, 11 th -12 th century Zinc-brass alloy Represents a figure head Contains precise detailed patterning Idealized naturalism Ife is considered the cradle of Yoruba culture and civilization Figures served in rituals supporting divine kingship

11 Ivory Belt Mask of a Queen Mother, Benin Art, mid-16 th Century Ivory and Iron 9 3/8” high Royalty commissioned metal pieces and ivory carvings Art was given as royal favors to title holders or other chiefs. This mask was worn by a king at his waist.

12 Bracelets: Crocodile Heads, Benin Art, 17 th -19 th century 17th-19th Century African art is often functional African women wear all the jewelry the own at the same time, not just for ceremonies and festivals.

13 Oba Supported by Attendants, Benin Art, 1500-1897 A.D. Oba is the belief of the ability to accomplish great things work depicts a king with a human torso but with legs formed by mudfish The king needs the help of his two attendants to stand.

14 Great Zimbabwe (Southern Africa) Great Zimbabwe is also known as “Africa’s Stonehenge” Zimbabwe means Stone Enclosure in Shona Complex Stone Structures Zimbabwe was prosperous trade center, with a wide trade network Soapstone birds, ancestor worship

15 Walls and tower, Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe,14 th Century Stone Eliptical Stone walls, used no mortar Unusual for their size and excellence in stone work Small pieces of stone were cut for decorative edging or insets

16 Bird with Crocodile image on top of stone monolith, Great Zimbabwe, 15 th Century Soapstone, Bird is interpreted as symbolizing the first wife of the rulers ancestors

17 Sapi Art (West Atlantic Coast) Carved stone, wood and ivory objects, such as utensils, saltcellars, boxes, hunting horns, and knife handles. Objects were made to export to Europe Details on figures were characteristically European. Large heads, flaring nostrils

18 Master of the Symbolic Execution, saltcellar, Sapi-Portuguese, 15 th and 16 th Century Ivory, 15 th -t16th century Kneeling figure on top holds an ax and a shield and prepares to behead the slouched figure. Circular platform is held up by slender rods adorned by crocodile images

19 Beta Medhane Alem church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, 14 th century Largest rock-cut church Work had to be visualized before work could begin

20 Inland Niger Delta Art (Western Sudan) Subject matter includes: equestrians Male and female couples emaciated & diseased people snake entwined figures

21 Equestrian figure, Inland Niger Delta, 13 th - 15 th century Terracotta 28” Since the 1940s, low-fired ceramic figures and fragments have been unearthed at various sites in the Inland Niger Delta region.

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