 Find a partner in the room!  1st: Introduce yourself, your year, your major, and one thing you are looking forward to this semester.  2nd: Officers.

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Presentation on theme: " Find a partner in the room!  1st: Introduce yourself, your year, your major, and one thing you are looking forward to this semester.  2nd: Officers."— Presentation transcript:


2  Find a partner in the room!  1st: Introduce yourself, your year, your major, and one thing you are looking forward to this semester.  2nd: Officers choose a pair to come up and introduce each other.  3rd: Officers feel free to participate with members!

3  The mission of Scholars for Success is to develop productive members actively involved in the San Diego State University community through academic support, social events, community outreach, and fundraising, thereby furthering the success of the Sweetwater Union High School District graduates attending San Diego State University.

4  President: Elmer Jacobo  Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved with Scholars for Success.

5  Vice President of Internal Affairs: Crystal Monsale

6  Vice President of External Affairs: Karen Molina

7  Social & Community Service Coordinator: Rhobbyn Concepcion

8  Academic Coordinator: Ashna Khatri

9  Secretary: Kristen Abrajano

10  Treasurer: Ramon Cardenas

11  Public Relations: Jake Santos

12  Fundraising Chair: Joyce Nadal

13  Per semester, members need to obtain 10 cord points.  If you attend all 7 meetings this semester, you will only receive 5 cord points  The remaining 5 points will come from participation in social events, community service events, or helping us during our fundraisers.  Point tracker sheet will help you keep a record of your points throughout the semester.  Officers will sign off on each event to verify that you were present and participating.  Total points to earn a cord = 40 (freshmen and sophomores)  20 cord points for 2 years  Graduating Seniors- Fall 2015 you will need to speak to Elmer about earning your cord points.  Graduating Seniors- Spring 2016, 20 points for the entire year still applies to you!

14  Next Scholars for Success Meeting: September 24th, 2015  Guest Speaker: Peel Leadership Consultant  Topic: Time Management Skills

15  Tip #1: Don't be afraid to branch out and try new things this year. You have it in you to explore your resources and your opportunities on and off campus. Take charge of your education while still enjoying your time here at SDSU. Get involved, join a club, find a job, volunteer, go to your professor's office hours and get to know them, go Greek, explore our beautiful campus but most importantly make your time here at SDSU one to remember!!  Favorite Quotes: "Some of the best moments in life come from doing things that scare you."

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