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Characteristics of Autism

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1 Characteristics of Autism
Christy Bacus Kelly Mallory Vern Ferry Cassie Flynn

2 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autistic Disorder Rett’s Disorder Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Asperger’s Disorder Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified

3 Social Characteristics
Impairments in social interaction Dislike physical affection Difficulty establishing relationships with others; resulting in lack of friends. Do not recognize facial expressions. Lack of response to parent’s voices.

4 Communication Characteristics
Deviations in language development Echolalia: “parroting” Palilalia: repeats his or her own words. Echopraxia: repeats gestures and movements Neologisms: using made up words Deficits in Communicative Intent May have difficulty understanding the intent of a peer’s conversation. Difficulties in conversation skills Some are completely non-verbal.

5 Behavioral Characteristics
Repetitive and Stereotypic Behavior Motor Stereotypes: repetitive motor movements Hand flapping Hand wringing Rocking back and forth Extreme Need for a Routine Lack of routine can results in frustration and temper tantrums.

6 Behavioral Characteristics Cont.
Unusual Preoccupation with Objects or Activities Strong attachments to objects Stones Pieces of plastic toys Especially objects that spin, glitter, or are round Preoccupation Parts of objects Focuses on complex details of one subject/topic. Specific Sensory and Motor Characteristics Abnormal response to stimuli, including sound. Reduced sensitivity to pain, heat or cold. Abnormal activity levels (hyperactivity or hypoactivity) Abnormal eating and sleeping behaviors.

7 Cognitive Characteristics
Low IQ Difficulty in Executive Functioning Planning Shifting Attention Working Memory Deficits in Theory of Mind Seeing the world from other’s perspectives Strengths in Visual Skills They think visually, such as pictures.

8 Possible Causes No known definite cause, but thought to be neurological or brain based. Theories Poor parenting Childhood vaccinations

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