Unit 7 (Chapter 17 in textbook). Progressive Reforms advocated for a larger role for the government in promoting the general welfare Social Gospel – religious.

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1 Unit 7 (Chapter 17 in textbook)

2 Progressive Reforms advocated for a larger role for the government in promoting the general welfare Social Gospel – religious movement to “do good works” Settlement Houses – community centers to allow for self improvement Jane Addams and Hull House (Chicago)

3 Child Labor Reform State level movements to ban child labor Led by Florence Kelley – lobbied to create US Children’s Bureau (1912) 1916 – Keating-Owens Act – banned child labor (federal government) 1918 – Supreme Court ruled the ban unconstitutional 1938 – end of legal child labor State level requirements for public education

4 Government Reforms Grass roots focus on rooting out corruption Reforming of city governments – based on elected commissions rather than appointed boards Election reform Direct primaries (Gov. La Follette – Wisconsin) Initiative – people can put a bill on a ballet for direct public approval Referendum – approve or reject laws passed by a legislature Recall – public could vote to remove an official from office


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