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Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering Standard 5.c Students will know how genetic engineering (biotechnology)is used to produce novel biomedical and agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering Standard 5.c Students will know how genetic engineering (biotechnology)is used to produce novel biomedical and agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering Standard 5.c Students will know how genetic engineering (biotechnology)is used to produce novel biomedical and agriculture products.

2 Section 13-2: DNA Manipulation A.Genetic Engineering: Making Changes in the genetic code of a living organism.

3 B. DNA Extraction: Like we did in the banana lab. You extract the DNA from the The cell is _________ (by soap/shampoo) and the DNA is _________ from the other cell parts (by the salt and filtration). organism of interest. opened separated

4 C. Cutting DNA: The DNA that was extracted is _________ to be analyzed so it must be cut down. The DNA is exposed to ______________________, specific to a particular sequence of nucleotides (___________________), and breaks the DNA into smaller fragments. Creating ____________. Recognition sequences DNA sequence Restriction enzyme EcoR I cuts the DNA into fragments. Sticky end too large restriction enzymes recognition sequence sticky ends

5 D. Separating DNA: Once cut into fragments the DNA is separated and analyzed by __________________ A _____________________________are placed at one end of a gel and an ______________ is applied to the gel. When the power is turned on the _____________________ molecules move toward the positive end of the gel. The ___________________________and farther down the gel while the_____________________________. It can be used to compare ________ of different organisms or individuals. Gel Electrophoresis mixture of the DNA fragments electric voltage negatively charged DNA smaller fragments move faster larger fragments are slower genes

6 DNA Gel Electrophoresis DNA plus restriction enzyme Mixture of DNA fragments Power source Longer fragments Shorter fragments

7 Using the DNA Sequence Once in a manageable form the DNA can be _____________________________. A.Reading the sequence: A _____________ is used to “read” the DNA sequence. B. Unknown DNA strands are exposed to _________________ and the _________________ (A,T,C,G) along with a ________________ and allowed to replicate off the unknown strand____________. read, studied and even changed chemical trick DNA polymerase four nucleotides chemical dye many times

8 Using the DNA Sequence C. With every dye-labeled base added the synthesis of that strand is ____________. D. When synthesis is completed the new strands are of _________________ depending on how far the strand had progressed before the dye-labeled base was added. E. Since each base is labeled with a different color, result is a _______________________________ _______________________________________ F. They are then separated by ________________ and the _________________ tells the______________. terminated different lengths series of dye labeled DNA fragments of different lengths. gel electrophoresis color of the bands DNA sequence

9 Reading the Sequence

10 Cutting and Pasting A. DNA sequences can now be ________ in many ways. B. Short pieces can be assembled by using machines known as __________________. C. New “synthetic” segments of DNA can be joined to “natural” ones using _____________________ ______________________ D. We can also take DNA from ___________ and splice it to DNA _____________________. E. These are examples of __________________ produced by joining DNA from different sources. changed DNA synthesizers enzymes that splice them together. one organism from another organism Recombinant DNA

11 Making Copies We often need to make __________________ (crime scene when only a little DNA can be collected) so we can have enough to run _______________ tests on them. __________________________ (PCR) is the method by which we do this. copies of a gene multiple DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction

12 Making Copies Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) requires us to do _______________ in a lab. A.First we add a _________________ to the DNA fragment at both ends so the _______________ can attach and start working. B.The the DNA is _________ to cause separation of the two strands. C.Then, ___________________________ the two strands. D.The copies can also be copied in the same way and therefore _________________ are needed to make many times the DNA you began with. DNA replication primer sequence DNA polymerase heated DNA polymerase begins to copy only a few cycles

13 PCR DNA polymerase adds complementary strand DNA heated to separate strands DNA fragment to be copied PCR cycles 1 DNA copies 1 2222 3434 4848 5 etc. 16 etc.

14 13-4: Applications of Genetic Engineering This recombinant DNA technology has allowed us to add DNA from one organism into another organism as depicted in the ______________ ___________ done in1986. (see fig. 13-12 p. 331) This showed the _______________ of the genetic mechanisms. A.Transgenic Organisms: organisms that contain ___________________________ A.Key point: Genetic engineering has spurred the growth of biotechnology, which is a new industry that is changing the way we interact with the living world. luciferase experiment universal nature genes from other organisms.


16 B. Transgenic Microorganisms: Because of their ability to _________ ________________ and are ____________ transgenic bacteria are now used to produce many important substances for ________________ ________________ The _______________ of proteins such as insulin, human growth hormone, and clotting factor. Make _____________ bacteria. In the future they may be used for substances that fight ________ and for raw materials for synthetic _________________________. rapidly reproduce easy to grow health and industry. humans forms oil eating cancer fibers and plastics

17 C. Transgenic Animals: Transgenic animals have been used to __________________________________________ Mice have been made with a _________________ ________ so they can study the effect of certain diseases on the human immune system. Livestock have extra _____________________ In the future, the livestock may actually produce in _________________ their milk making it easier for us to collect an refine them. study genes and to improve the food supply. human immune system growth hormone genes human proteins

18 D. Transgenic Plants: Transgenic plants are now an important part of our_____________. Also known as _________ ______________ (GM) foods. Many contain genes with _________________ or insecticides so we don’t have to use damaging insecticide or pesticide chemicals on the crops. As well as ______________________ so we can continue to control weeds. food supply genetically modified natural pesticides resistance to weed killers

19 Many of these plants will soon be able to produce _________________ that can be used to fight infections, _______ that can now only be produced using petroleum, and foods that are resistant to ________________. ___________ is already being produced. This is a GM rice that contains ____________ and makes the health of our poorest nations better. human antibodies plastics rot and spoilage Golden rice vitamin A



22 Hello Dolly Dolly, a female sheep or ewe, was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.

23 Section 13-4 Flowchart Cloning A body cell is taken from a donor animal. An egg cell is taken from a donor animal. The fused cell begins dividing, becoming an embryo. The nucleus is removed from the egg. The body cell and egg are fused by electric shock. The embryo is implanted into the uterus of a foster mother. The embryo develops into a cloned animal.

24 Fused Cell A donor cell is taken from a sheep’s udder. Donor Nucleus These two cells are fused using an electric shock. The fused cell begins dividing normally. Embryo The embryo is placed in the uterus of a foster mother. Foster Mother The embryo develops normally into a lamb— Dolly Cloned Lamb Egg Cell An egg cell is taken from an adult female sheep. The nucleus of the egg cell is removed. Section 13-4 Figure 13-13 Cloning of the First Mammal Cloning of Dolly the Sheep

25 Dolly and her ewe Bonny

26 Dolly's remains as exhibited in the Royal Museum of Scotland. Dolly (July 5, 1996- February 14, 2003)

27 Snuppy the first cloned dog


29 Snuppy and her mothers Genetic mom Surrogate mom

30 CC the 1st cloned cat

31 Julie holds her nine-week-old cloned cat "Little Nicky" The cat was sold to Julie by Genetic Savings and Clone for $50,000.

32 A cloned cat that glows in the dark?

33 South Korean scientists have cloned cats by manipulating a fluorescent protein gene, a procedure which could help develop treatments for human genetic diseases.In a side-effect, the cloned cats glow in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet beams. UV Light

34 "Don't clone me, bro!"

35 Cloned Cows


37 Cloned Pigs

38 Idaho gem: the first cloned mule

39 Prometea: the first cloned horse

40 Scientists have for the first time created a healthy clone of an endangered species, offering powerful evidence that cloning technology can play a role in preserving and even reconstituting threatened and endangered species.The clone - a cattle-like creature known as a Javan banteng - was grown from a single skin cell taken from a captive banteng before it died in 1980. The cell was one of several that had remained frozen in a vial at the San Diego Zoo until last year, when they were thawed as part of an experimental effort to make cloned banteng embryos.

41 Baby Javan banteng clone

42 A dairy cow provided the egg and acted as the surrogate mother. Unfortunately, despite his healthy, masculine physique and nature, the cloned banteng has thus far been unable to produce offspring. I’m waiting for my dream girl!

43 Tetra: 1st cloned monkey

44 Can we clone a human?

45 Should we clone a human? MaybeMaybe not

46 Should we clone a human? MaybeMaybe not





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