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History: Part 1 Content Standard 5.0. 8.5.1 Contrast the characteristics of major native civilizations of the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "History: Part 1 Content Standard 5.0. 8.5.1 Contrast the characteristics of major native civilizations of the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 History: Part 1 Content Standard 5.0

2 8.5.1 Contrast the characteristics of major native civilizations of the Americas

3 8.5.2 Read a timeline and order events of the past

4 8.5.3 Differentiate between a primary and secondary source Primary Source-First hand account of a historical event – Examples: letter, diary, picture, government document Secondary Source-Things that have been produced by people who have analyzed, evaluated, or summarized primary sources – Examples: textbook, biography

5 8.5.4 Recognize causes and consequences of conflict French and Indian War CausesConsequence Conflict between Great Britain and France Colonial Identity Conflicting Land Claims Roots of Revolutionary War Economic Competition Revolutionary War CausesConsequences Proclamation Line of 1763 National Debt Taxes Without Representation Treaty of Paris Quartering Act Debate Over Slavery

6 8.5.4 Recognize causes and consequences of conflict War of 1812 CausesConsequences U.S. trade with France Nationalism Impressment Increase of Foreign Trade Expansion West Westward Expansion

7 8.5.5 Recognize the consequences of the westward expansion of the United States Consequences of Westward Expansion – Belief in Manifest Destiny – Transportation and Communication – Issue of Slavery – Spread of Sectionalism and Nationalism – Treatment of Native Americans

8 8.5.6 Classify the characteristics of major historic events into causes and effects Exploration CausesEffects Gold, God, GloryColumbian Exchange Renaissance SpiritTriangular Trade Improved TechnologyCultural Diffusion

9 8.5.7 Recognize the historical impacts of European settlement in North America

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