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Easter in Guadalcanal In Guadalcanal, Easter is one of the most traditional and special holidays. This festival attracts many tourists and makes it very.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter in Guadalcanal In Guadalcanal, Easter is one of the most traditional and special holidays. This festival attracts many tourists and makes it very."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter in Guadalcanal In Guadalcanal, Easter is one of the most traditional and special holidays. This festival attracts many tourists and makes it very well known here in the northern highlands of Seville´s province.

2 What is Easter ? Easter is the Christian annual commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it is a period of intense activity within the various liturgical Christian denominations. Begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. The scenes of Jesus´s life are represented by images shown in one step.

3 Our images Our village has 7 sororities, and each one has different scenes and passages. They are taken out around the village on different days, being Palm Sunday, Holy Tuesday...

4 Our music bands Each step has an specific Music Band, depending on whether the step is Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ.

5 Nazarenes Nazarenes are people wearing colored robes (depending on the brotherhood) with a cone-shaped crown and carrying a candle. They usually go before the passage in two rows.

6 Bearers and foreman The bearers are groups of people who are below the pass and bear it. Each step consists on about 24 bearers and they are placed according to their height. This group is called "cuadrilla". In their neck, they carry a "costal" used to cushion the weight. The foreman is the person who leads them. Each step has of 2-4 foremen.

7 La Saeta La “Saeta” is a song sang to the images in the streets from balconies. They are usually done by both women and men.

8 Images Finally, we show pictures of the Holy Week in Guadalcanal

9 We hope you liked it !!! BY JAVIER VIERA AND JAVIER RIUS

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