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Easter Around the World. Easter in EUROPE How do Europeans celebrate Easter? ….. maybe not like this though…..

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Presentation on theme: "Easter Around the World. Easter in EUROPE How do Europeans celebrate Easter? ….. maybe not like this though….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter Around the World

2 Easter in EUROPE How do Europeans celebrate Easter? ….. maybe not like this though…..

3 My typical Easter - UK -hot cross buns -Cadbury cream eggs -Chocolate eggs April 5 - Good Friday is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.religious holiday crucifixion ofJesus ChristCalvary April 7 - Easter Sunday - religious April 8 - Easter Monday - religious

4 Easter in Finland -chanting witches bless house for treats -chocolate eggs -willow twigs used for decoration and gifts -bonfires to scare away -evil spirits

5 Easter in Italy -solemn processions and masses and Pope holds mass - dove shaped breads called Pannetone and Colomba - Chocolate eggs with a surprise inside— massive, elaborately decorated, beautifully wrapped chocolate Easter eggs that now fill shop windows across the country.

6 Easter in Germany -Easter trees with colorful painted boiled eggs fill trees. -Easter cake in shape of lamb -bonfires to chase away dark spirits of winter and welcome summer

7 Eastern European Easter Poland

8 Easter North America

9 Easter in USA Chocolate, candy, celebrations and shops full of Easter items

10 Easter in Mexico -celebration of the resurrection of Christ - t here are processions reenacting Jesus' triumphal entry, and woven palms are sold outside churches. -cascarones (confetti eggs) are common

11 Easter in South America

12 Easter in Brazil -Brazil is the largest Catholic population in the world -processions and rituals around country -Easter eggs

13 Easter in Asia

14 Easter in India In India there are a few catholic families who attend church services and families get together after, also the tradition is to keep small boxes and put money inside of them and give it as an offering to the churches or people in need

15 Easter Phillipines In the Philippines Easter is celebrated with processions that start at dawn: children dress up as angels, another procession is for men that follow an image of resurrected Christ, and in the last one women carry the image of a black-veil-clad Mother Mary. When all of the processions meet at the church, the angels remove the veil from Mary's face and the festivities start.

16 Easter Around the World As you can see Easter is celebrated around the world by many people through: -religion -food -celebrations -customs -traditions

17 Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!

18 Questions 1.What 3 treats are typical in the UK during Easter? 2.What do children dress up as to visit houses to get treats in Finland? 3.Which famous person in Christianity lives in Italy? 4.What do the children do to celebrate in Germany? 5.What goes inside Mexican Easter eggs? (it´s not chocolate…) 6.How do people celebrate Easter in Spain?

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