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Roles of Extension Volunteers Program Excellence Academy I.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles of Extension Volunteers Program Excellence Academy I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles of Extension Volunteers Program Excellence Academy I

2 Roles of Volunteers Leadership Advisory Board Program Area Committees/Youth Boards Master Volunteers Associations/Groups Random/Episodic Volunteers Youth Volunteers

3 Leadership Advisory Board Responsible for overall Extension program Provide vision and long-term planning Serve as advocates for Extension programs Help interpret Extension program and impacts

4 Program Area Committees & Youth Boards PAC: Work with CEA to plan, implement and evaluate educational programs in a specific program area Youth Board: Youth and adults that work with CEA to plan, implement and evaluate youth educational programs

5 Master Volunteers Have completed at least 20 hours of specialized training in a particular subject Lead educational programs Commit to giving at least 50 hours of service in the specific subject

6 Associations and Groups Networks of volunteers with similar interests and skills who come together for a common cause It is important that these groups receive support and training!

7 Random/Episodic Volunteers Assist with a single activity, event or program Volunteer for a limited time This volunteer group continues to grow!

8 Youth Volunteers Any individual under the age of 18 that fulfills any volunteer role. Youth are a GREAT resource within all volunteer groups!

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