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Lotus Sun god -Ra GebNut Seth Nephthys OsirisIsis Anubis Horus Hathor.

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2 Lotus Sun god -Ra GebNut Seth Nephthys OsirisIsis Anubis Horus Hathor

3  1. Osiris – god of the Afterlife  “Lord of the underworld”  Husband of Isis  1 st Egyptian to be mummified  Represented as a dead king holding the emblems of his supreme power:  shepherd’s crook  flail

4  2. Isis – favorite goddess  Sister & wife of Osiris  Mother of Horus  Associated with female creative power  Symbolized the perfect mother  Symbol is the throne

5  3. Horus – god of the sky  Son of Osiris and Isis  Killed Seth  Represented as a falcon-headed god.  Carries an ankh which symbolizes life

6  4. Seth – god of evil and darkness  Osiris’s brother and murderer  Associated with all evil  Represented as an extraordinary creature with features of different animals

7  5. Nephthys – goddess of friendship  Sister of Isis, mother of Anubis  Wife of Seth  Left Seth to help Isis  Friend to all women  Symbol is a chalice

8  6. Anubis – god of the dead  Son of Seth and Nephthys  Presides over funerals and the embalming ritual  Represented with the head of a jackal, as they haunt cemeteries

9  7. Amun-Ra (kings of the gods)  Two gods in one; uniting of the local god, Amun with sun god, Ra  Controls time, seasons, wind and clouds  Most powerful god during the New Kingdom

10  8. Nut – sky goddess  Sister of Geb, the earth god  Often painted blue and covered in stars  Swallowed the sun at night and it was reborn at sunrise

11  9. Sobek – god of water  Controlled the Nile and its marshes and floods  Helped retrieve Osiris from the Nile  Represented as a crocodile  Followers started in the city of Crocadiloplis

12  10. Thoth – god of wisdom, writing and learning  Author of the Book of the Dead  Believed to have invented writing, arithmetic and the calendar  Represented with the head of an Ibis bird

13  11. Hathor – goddess of music, dancing, joy and love  Protects people during the mummification process  Wife of Horus  Represented with the head of a cow, a symbol of motherly love

14  12. Bastet – cat goddess  Protector of women, children and the sun’s power to ripen crops  Very well loved; people were not allowed to harm cats

15 Judges (gods & god d esses)

16 Scales

17 Anubis checking the scales with a pointer

18 Deceased entering with head bowed

19 Feather of Truth

20 Heart of the deceased in a canopic jar

21 Thoth recording the report from Anubis

22 Ammit- the devourer; “Eater of the Dead”

23 Horus – leading in the deceased

24 Deceased: “I am pure of mouth and hands, without guilt, without evil.”

25 Osiris

26 Isis

27 Nephthys

28   Make a foldable to help you remember and identify the ancient gods and goddesses of Egypt.  Include:  All gods that we covered in the notes.  Descriptions of their appearance and what they were the gods of. Gods and goddesses foldable

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