1 Developing the role of the science subject mentor in enhancing trainee’s pedagogic subject knowledge Adrian Warhurst EXPECT TO ACHIEVE.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Developing the role of the science subject mentor in enhancing trainee’s pedagogic subject knowledge Adrian Warhurst EXPECT TO ACHIEVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Developing the role of the science subject mentor in enhancing trainee’s pedagogic subject knowledge Adrian Warhurst EXPECT TO ACHIEVE

2 2 Aim for the session Explore the processes and outcomes of a project with a group of secondary partnership schools to develop the subject mentor role in subject knowledge development. EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Outcomes Overview of the project and processes Consider the value of exemplar subject specific materials for lesson observation Consider the use of an analysis tool for review of lesson observations

3 3 Project overview This PDS case study report on the outcomes of one year project supported by funding from the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) as part of the Partnership Development Schools (PDS) Strategy between 2008-2009. EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Improve the quality of communication of Science subject specific information between HEI and School. Improve the quality of the Science subject specific training provided by the School Based Mentor. The creation of resources that develop the role of the subject mentor in enhancing trainees’ pedagogic subject knowledge. Developing the practice of the subject mentor in enhancing trainees’ pedagogic subject knowledge.

4 4 Project overview EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Review of current practice All school based mentors issued with current HEI documentation. Trialled Reviewed Modified Trialled Approved A mentor buddy system was set up to examine standardisation of practice Paired lesson observations of trainees by mentors. Paired observations of weekly review meetings by mentors. HEI staff conducted paired observations of lessons and meetings. HEI staff created visual and audio recordings of lesson feedback and mentor meetings.

5 5 Project overview EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Outcomes Resources All subject mentors accessing materials Greater trainee voice The record of lesson observations and mentor meetings demonstrates an increase in the subject specific comments/targets Website created Dissemination of resources Training opportunity http://www.newmanteachers.org.uk/pds/

6 6 Project overview EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Outcomes processes Standardised approach to mentoring science trainees in school. Focus on science subject specific teaching and learning targets as well as the Q standards. Relationships between the partner schools have developed through sharing of resources, ideas and practice. http://www.newmanteachers.org.uk/pds/

7 7 Discussion Questions EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Resources Guidelines for lesson observations Guidelines for weekly meetings Use the paper to record your discussions Suggested format What is the value of exemplar subject specific comments and targets for observing lessons? Discussion of lesson comments Discussion of targets In my subject Considering exemplar materials

8 8 Discussion Questions Analysing lesson observations – using a draft analysis tool to analyse lesson observation records. EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Analysis used in the project Qualitative only A quantitative tool Attempt to analyse a lesson observation using the toollesson observation Is the analysis tool appropriate? Who would complete the analysis? Who will benefit from completing the analysis?

9 9 Final Thoughts EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Analysis tool – friend or foe Barriers to improvement in mentor training Incentives to participate in mentor training

10 10 Lesson analysis EXPECT TO ACHIEVE Text from a lesson observation:lesson observation Pre lesson Computer/Whiteboard/Powerpoint set up 11.15Class met@door / orderly entrance / standing behind seats: Good Review of previous lesson: Variation / inheritance. Q1 Be careful with long words + speed @ which you talk Q14Environmental: Offspring: Variation – double check with some students if they understand. Good humour when talking about carrots. Q4 Starter: ‘Make a note from the screen’ –do you mean copy? 11.25Must share L obj with students + assess at end Good use of screenshots of carrots: Good link to real world of deformed fruit/vegetables: topical @ moment Explore variables: good: set scene for length measurement Good instructions to recording: tally chart etc. But insist on quiet when you talk!!

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