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Linguistic Phonics How did you learn to read? What does reading mean in your family?

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Presentation on theme: "Linguistic Phonics How did you learn to read? What does reading mean in your family?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linguistic Phonics How did you learn to read? What does reading mean in your family?

2 Helping your child to read Enjoyment Context-reading on and back Phonics Picture cues Comprehension Independence

3 The heart of Linguistic Phonics A systematic programme that teaches children the sounds we use in the English Language Focuses on sounds which are heard in a spoken word and that those sounds are represented by a symbol. Linguistic Phonics does not teach letter names Children have to break the code- they are problem solving and discovering the answers for themselves.

4 Problem Solving

5 Teaching the sounds Voiced Unvoiced

6 Listening for sounds Help your child to hear sounds in words. We can count syllables and sounds in words Remember that some sounds can be represented by more than one letter

7 Phonological Awareness Phonological awareness begins with oral language which is the bedrock on which all learning is based. Attention and Listening Rhyme Developing a sense of steady beat Developing listening skills Developing visual skills

8 Overview of stages 1-6  Help your child to sound across words from left to right, pushing the sounds together at the end. m a n “man” Your child may find blending difficult and need lots of practise. Multi syllable words Sounds can be represented by more than one letter The same sound can be represented in more than one way

9 Over to you

10 Key messages Value reading-let your child see you reading Value books Make learning fun Give your child lots of praise and encouragement

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