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For each of the next six slides, write down what you think is the occupation of each individual.

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Presentation on theme: "For each of the next six slides, write down what you think is the occupation of each individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 For each of the next six slides, write down what you think is the occupation of each individual.







8 Studying the way people relate to others. Attitude Attraction Aggression Group Behavior

9  Physical Appearance  Judgments frequently made based on appearance- more positive qualities to those better looking WHY?  “Beauty is more than just in the eye of the beholder; people do judge & treat others with whom they interact based on attractiveness” (Langlois et al. 2000)  1977 Study- Impact of Beauty & It’s Self-Fulfilling Nature

10 5 Factors of Attraction

11 Physically attractiveness predicts dating frequency (they date more). Matching Hypothesis 1990 Study of Average Faces http://www.faceresear http://www.faceresear


13 Obesity is so revered among Mauritania's white Moor Arab population that the young girls are sometimes force-fed to obtain a weight the government has described as "life-threatening".

14  Geographic nearness Mere exposure effect:  Repeated exposure to something breeds liking.

15  You are more likely to like someone who likes you.  Why?

16  Opposites do NOT attract.  Birds of the same feather do flock together.  Similarity breeds content.

17 Tries to explain how people determine the cause of the behavior they observe. It is either a…. Situational Attribution (external) Dispositional Attribution (Internal)

18 Tries to explain how people determine the cause of the behavior they observe. It is either a…. Situational Attribution Dispositional Attribution And Stable Attribution Unstable Attribution

19  Fundamental Attribution Error  Self-Serving Bias  Individualistic V. Collectivistic Cultures

20 Stereotype: Overgeneralized idea about a group of people; type of social schema Prejudice: Biased attitude; Ethnocentrism is an example of a prejudice. Discrimination: Biased action.

21 1. Thought-saving device 2. Operant Conditioning 3. Observational Learning 4. Just World Phenomenon- world is just and people deserve what they get 5. In-Group versus Out- Groups; In-Group Bias A class divided

22 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy  A prediction that causes itself to be true.

23 Contact Theory Contact between hostile groups will reduce animosity if they are made to work towards a superordinate goal.

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