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Sensorineural H/L D efination hearing loss when the cause is Cochlea or Auditory nerve.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensorineural H/L D efination hearing loss when the cause is Cochlea or Auditory nerve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensorineural H/L D efination hearing loss when the cause is Cochlea or Auditory nerve

2 Diagnosis: History/audiological tests Disability is more with S/N deafness than conductive deafness WHY. (recruitment and reduce discrimination

3 Causes:Infections: Viral(Mumps and Measles.Ramsy hunt syndrome. Bacterial: Supporative Labyrinthitis.(Serous c/f). Syphilis congenital and acquired,progressive hearing loss with very loud Tinitus.VDRL

4 Presbycusis:degenerative changes in cochlea at basal turn first and neural. difficulty in understanding speech even loud(loss of high frequency..consonants), in background noise,Recruitment..distortion.poor discrimination and lack of concentration.

5 Ototoxicity. Aminoglycosides,Aspirin,Diuretics,and cytotoxic drugs,

6 Ear drops,

7 Trauma: Perilymph fistula Noise induced deafness

8 Acoustic neuroma: Incidence:common 80% of all CP angle tumor.10% of brain tumor. Origin Scwan cells of vestibular nerve with in IAM. Growth very slow 1-2 mm/yr..

9 Classification:a/ Intracanalicular b/ Small up to 1.5 cm c/ Medium 1.5 to 4 cm d/ large over 4 cm

10 Clinical features: Age/Sex 40-60 yrs.. male and females 2/Unilateral SNHL +Tinnitus due to pressure on 8th nerve in the canal 3/ Vth Nerve Corneal Reflex

11 VII Th. nerve Sensory fibers first loss of taste and reduced lacrimation. IX and X nerve dysphagia and hoarseness Its should be very large tumor,rare to reach to that size before diagnosis.

12 Treatment: depend on size of tumor. Intracanalicular and small 1.5 cm-and in some case Medium can be left alone and observed by yearly MRI, Large needs SURGERY.

13 Investigation and Management Of SNHL. History: detailed. Clinical examination, Otoscope Cranial nerve :5th Corneal reflex,7th,..

14 Contd ; Cerebelar function tests, Unterberger test Tuning fork tests PTA.

15 MRI Blood investigation 1/ CP and ESR 2/ Random Glucose.3/ Lipid profile.4/ Immune complexes.5/Thyroid function test.6/ VDRL.

16 Treatment: explain to patient the probable cause of deafness. prognosis Hearing Aid.



19 Sudden SNHL: It has been defined for research purposes and has been accepted by most authorities as 30 dB or more sensorineural hearing loss over at least three contiguous audiometric frequencies occurring within 3 days or less.

20 Etiology 1/ Vascular 2/ Trauma,head injury, 3/barotrauma 4/ perilymph fistula5/ Viral 6/ immune complexes

21 Treatment: 1/ admit to hospital 2/ investigations 3/ steroid 40-60mg prednisolone, intrtympanic injections 4/inhalation Carbogen.

22 Question, Define Meniers disease 1/ describe etiology 2/ symptoms 3/ investigation 4/ treatment of Meniers disease.



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