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Morality and Psychology Dr Neil Levy Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne and James Martin 21 st Century School, Oxford.

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Presentation on theme: "Morality and Psychology Dr Neil Levy Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne and James Martin 21 st Century School, Oxford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morality and Psychology Dr Neil Levy Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne and James Martin 21 st Century School, Oxford University.

2 Moral Relativism A doctrine we can live with?

3 Aztec sacrifices….

4 Moral Relativism: Honor killings

5 The Trolley Problem


7 Testing the rule: If someone works in the city, then they travel to work on the subway. CITYSUBWAY CAB personal Personal Dilemmas: BA 9/10 (medial frontal gyrus); BA 39 (angular gyrus). Impersonal dilemmas BA 7/40 (parietal lobe) BA 46 (middle frontal gyrus)

8 Wheatley and Haidt (2005)  Congressman Arnold Paxton frequently gives speeches condemning corruption and arguing for campaign finance reform. But he is just trying to cover up the fact that he himself [will take bribes from/is often bribed by] the tobacco lobby, and other special interests, to promote their legislation.

9 Wheatley and Haidt (2005)  Dan is a student council representative at his school. This semester he is in charge of scheduling discussions about academic issues. He [tries to pick/often picks] topics that appeal to both professors and students in order to stimulate discussion.

10  “It just seems like he’s up to something”.  ‘‘It just seems so weird and disgusting’’  ‘‘I don’t know [why it’s wrong], it just is.’’

11 Reasoning is Rationalization The Motivated Reasoning Problem: The Reasoning Process Is More like a Lawyer Defending a Client than a Judge or Scientist Seeking Truth

12 The Psychologist’s Challenge  Moral judgments are caused by our emotional responses, and therefore are not rational.  Our emotional responses are not sensitive to reasoning.

13 Wason Selection Task Deontic version. Testing the rule, If you drink alcohol, you must be at least eighteen. 17 YEARS OLD 21 YEARS OLD DRINKING COKE


15 The Iowa Gambling Task

16 The Psychologist’s Challenge  Are emotions sensitive to reason?

17 Implicit Association Test

18 BlackWhite Hurt, Agony Joy, Peace

19 Implicit Association Test BlackWhite Joy, Peace Hurt, Agony


21 Top Down Influences

22 Between subjects design Lever case Fat man case

23 Within subjects design Lever case Fat man case


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