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1 Very basics on DB access Elke A. Rundensteiner.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Very basics on DB access Elke A. Rundensteiner."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Very basics on DB access Elke A. Rundensteiner

2 2 DBMS? Oracle Accounts already created Documentation: mySQL: To create an account, visit Documentation: Many other DBMS engines out there

3 3 Oracle Version at WPI The oracle server SID is WPI11GR2 (or, CS) Version: 11g (64 bit version) System name is port is #1521 Problems: user names cannot have a “.” in them.

4 How to set up path for Oracle If you use CCC linux systems, then you need to source /usr/local/bin/csoraenv file to setup your shell to use oracle On CCC, if your shell is set to /bin/tcsh, then run : source /usr/local/bin/csoraenv On CCC, if your shell is set to /bin/bash, then run : source /usr/local/bin/oraenv To figure out what the type of shell that you use, type: echo $SHELL From your shell prompt, type : echo $PATH 4

5 5 How to set up Oracle Or, set environment variables by adding the needed settings into your.cshrc file on the machine (which gets sourced automatically when you log on). setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local/oracle11gr203 setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle11gr203/product/11.2.0/db_1 setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID WPI11GR2 setenv TWO_TASK ${ORACLE_SID}

6 6 How to set up Oracle Or, set environment variables by adding the needed settings into your.cshrc file on the machine (which gets sourced automatically when you log on). setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local/oracle11gr203 setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle11gr203/product/11.2.0/db_1 setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID WPI11GR2 setenv TWO_TASK ${ORACLE_SID}

7 7 How to set up Oracle If in tcsh or csh shell, your.cshrc file would be: setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local/oracle11gr203 setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/11.2.0/db_1 setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID WPI11GR2 setenv TWO_TASK WPI11GR2 setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib

8 8 How to set up Oracle If in bash shell, your.cshrc file would be: setenv ORACLE_BASE=/usr/local/oracle11gr203 setenv ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_BASE}/product/11.2.0/db_1 setenv PATH=${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID=WPI11GR2 setenv TWO_TASK=WPI11GR2 setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib

9 9 How to set up Oracle (contd…) If your path is empty, then add one additional line, as below, on top of your.cshrc file : setenv PATH. The rest is as on previous slide

10 10 How to set up Oracle After editing the file “.cshrc “ Please run below: or log out and back in: source.cshrc Or, log out and back in.

11 11 Problems while setting up Oracle Important – Set up Oracle immediately and see that it is working you may run into problems, typically due to simple typos or minor setup issues If you have identified a project partner, start working with him/her on this to help each other If you get really stuck, please send a message to mywpi to show a screen-dump of what happens.

12 12 Oracle introduction Connecting sqlplus / Change passwd using password command You will end up submitting your passwd; therefore don’t use password that you use for other purposes.

13 13 Oracle useful commands These commands can be executed from SQL shell SELECT * FROM cat; -- lists tables you have created SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; -- as above. DESCRIBE ; -- describes schema for table with name tableName help index; -- shows list of help topics; help start; -- illustrates how to use command start exit; -- exit from SQL shell

14 14 Using Oracle from Windows Multiple ways: Use aquastudio software from connect to -- server: port: 1521 (this is the default) SID: WPI11GR2 Download oracle client for windows. Connect using sqlplus client or other tools: sqlplus rundenst/rundenst@//

15 15 Working with the Data Server

16 16 Basic SQL Commands CREATE TABLE student(sNum INTEGER,sName VARCHAR (30)); -- creates table student with two columns INSERT INTO student VALUES (1, ‘Joe’); -- insert one row into the student table SELECT * FROM student; -- select all rows from student table DELETE FROM student; -- delete all rows in the student table DROP TABLE student; -- drop student table Purge recyclebin; -- purge recyclebin tables that get created. -- Only works if you are logged onto CCC1

17 17 Saving your Interactive Session in SQLPlus If you want to save your output to a file (for homework) spool spool off;

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