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CS34311 CS3431 – Database Systems I Project Overview Elke A. Rundensteiner.

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1 CS34311 CS3431 – Database Systems I Project Overview Elke A. Rundensteiner

2 CS34312 One continuous course project Description: Envision a database application, and implement it fully. Teaming : Teams of 2 students each Grading : Collect points over the phases

3 CS34313 Phases Phase 0: Project Intent (due Wed, Oct 31, midnight via email) Decide on your team and project. Send a “register project” message under “projects” on mywpi with (a) the people in team (b) project title, and (c ) a description (of 2 pages or so) of your application Phase 1: Conceptual Design (due Wed Nov 7 midnight via turnin) Refine application requirements, represent as ER schema, note any constraints, discuss initial set of functions for users and administrators that will be supported. Phase 2: Refined Design (due Wed Nov 14, midnight via turnin) Represent refined ER schema, discuss refinements, translate the ER to relational, analyze the relational design using normalization theory, come up with DDL statements for the relational schema, test the DDL statements. Phase 3: Operational Design (due Wed Nov 28, midnight via turnin) Analyze the operations needed for your application, represent them in SQL DML, and test them using realistic data. Analyze interface requirements. Consider advanced technologies to improve your system, such as indexing or triggers. Phase 4: Complete Project (due Wed Dec 12, midnight via turnin plus life demonstration) Complete the project, building of an interface for the end-user. Finalize final documentation and project report. Consider usage of additional technologies to improve your system, such as indexing, views, triggers, stored procedures. Demonstration of your project to CS3431 staff.

4 CS34314 Phase 0 Details Now Think about PROJECT topic Tuesday, by 7pm, register self-formed team at mywpi. Subject: TEAM FORMED members: names and email addresses Topic: title and one-liner about topic Tuesday, by 7pm, feel free to solicite partner on at mywpi. Subject: PROJECT IDEA member: you Topic: one-liner about topic you would like to find a partner for, any skills you would prefer your partner to have Wednesday, CS3431 Staff will assign remaining students to teams We’ll inform you of your team ID NUMBER We’ll inform you of your team members, if not self-picked Thursday, by midnight, for all Submit your project intent onto mywpi Clearly label the subject “PROJECT INTENT: TEAM ID NUMBER”

5 CS34315 What DBMS to use? Oracle Accounts already created, Version Documentation: mySQL: Version 4.1.14 To create an account, visit Documentation:

6 CS34316 How to set up Oracle Check the type of shell that you are using. For this from your unix prompt, type: echo $SHELL Most of you will get for above “ /bin/tcsh “ – this means you are using turbo c-shell From your shell prompt, type : echo $PATH Set environment variables based on if path is empty or not ( next slide )

7 CS34317 How to set up Oracle Add following to your.cshrc – if your path is not empty setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local/oracle/ setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1 setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID cs setenv TWO_TASK ${ORACLE_SID}

8 CS34318 How to set up Oracle (contd…) Add to.cshrc – if your path is empty setenv PATH. setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local/oracle setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1 setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin setenv ORACLE_SID cs setenv TWO_TASK ${ORACLE_SID}

9 CS34319 How to set up Oracle (contd…) After editing the file “.cshrc “ Please run : source.cshrc Or on CCC, run : source /usr/local/bin/csoraenv

10 CS343110 Problems while setting up Oracle Important – Set up Oracle immediately and see that it is working Many of you will run into problems, typically due to simple typos If you have identified a project partner, start working with him/her on this ! Notes: The oracle server is 10g R2; server name is; port is #1521; and oracle sid is CS.

11 CS343111 Oracle introduction Connecting sqlplus / For example, sqlplus myname/myname Change passwd using password command You will end up submitting your passwd; therefore don’t use password that you use for other purposes.

12 CS343112 Oracle useful commands These commands can be executed from SQL shell SELECT * FROM cat; -- lists tables you have created SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; -- as above. DESCRIBE ; -- describes schema for table with name tableName help index; -- shows list of help topics; help start; -- illustrates how to use command start exit; -- exit from SQL shell

13 CS343113 Using Oracle from Windows Multiple ways: Use aquastudio software from connect to -- server: port: 1521 (this is the default) SID: cs Download oracle client for windows. Connect using sqlplus client or other tools: sqlplus rundenst/rundenst@//

14 CS343114 MySQL Introduction Connecting mysql -h -u -p Useful commands show tables; describe ; exit; Look at manual for other commands.

15 CS343115 Working with the Data Server

16 CS343116 Testing that you are set CREATE TABLE student(sNum INTEGER,sName VARCHAR (30)); -- creates table student with two columns INSERT INTO student VALUES (1, ‘Joe’); -- insert one row into the student table SELECT * FROM student; -- select all rows from student table DELETE FROM student; -- delete all rows in the student table DROP TABLE student; -- drop student table Purge recyclebin; -- purge recyclebin tables that get created. -- Only works if you are logged onto CCC1

17 CS343117 Running scripts in SQLPlus To enter OS environment, use sqlplus command: Host Now you can execute OS commands, like : cd.., exit, etc. Create a file in your file system in the current directory called createTable.sql @createTable -- executes the script start createTable -- also executes the script If you want to save your output to a file (similar to script in Unix) spool spool off;

18 CS343118 Loading data from a text file Create a table : CREATE TABLE myTable1 (a int, b int); Create data file, say: sample.dat Put data into the file : 1,11 2,22 3,33 4,44

19 CS343119 Loading from text file (Contd) Create control file, say load.ctl LOAD DATA INFILE sample.dat INTO TABLE myTable1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ (a,b) Invoke SQL Loader (from your UNIX shell): $ sqlldr control=load.ctl

20 CS343120 Building Interfaces Call Level Interface Perl – to build web interfaces JDBC – Java, servlets etc Embedded SQL C API (Pro*C) C++API (Pro*C++) Java API (SQLJ) [ Oracle ]

21 CS343121 Get Started Now … Pick project partner (feel free to use mywpi to recruit partner) Jointly toss around ideas about cool project Try out basics – to assure you have access to oracle (and mysql)

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