Involves a signed agreement with stated objectives. If you or the other party were to break any agreements you would be in breech of contract and could.

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Presentation on theme: "Involves a signed agreement with stated objectives. If you or the other party were to break any agreements you would be in breech of contract and could."— Presentation transcript:

1 Involves a signed agreement with stated objectives. If you or the other party were to break any agreements you would be in breech of contract and could face legal action Two parties have differing ideas and a compromise has to be found that makes both sides happy, sometimes involving a third party (An arbitrator) More of a verbal agreement between parties with nothing official or in writing The production company might find out someone is looking for a video. They put together a brief with a proposal and a budget and send it to the potential client. The client would look at all the different tenders they receive and choose the one they prefer. You work alongside other production companies or organisations who also have a brief therefore your brief has to co-operate with the brief they are working on as well This is a brief in which two or more parties would either compete against each other to achieve a reward or a contract or where the instruction on the brief would require competition to take place. This brief consists of granting certain powers, money or the authority to carry out a particular task or duty

2 TENDER Advantages? Disadvantages?

3 CO-OPERATIVE Advantages? Disadvantages?

4 CONTRACTUAL Advantages? Disadvantages?

5 INFORMAL Advantages? Disadvantages?

6 NEGOTIATED Advantages? Disadvantages?

7 COMMISSION Advantages? Disadvantages?

8 COMPETITION Advantages? Disadvantages?

9 What kind of brief is this project? What kind of brief is it not then? So remind me, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the brief?

10 Do the following individually as bullet points… List the demands of the brief. List the constraints of the brief. Now conduct a personal SWOT analysis based on the demands of the brief. STRENGTHS (what are you good at that you can apply in the brief? WEAKNESSES (what weaknesses may affect the quality of your work? How will you tackle this issue?) OPPORTUNITIES (what will successful completion of the brief provide you on a personal and professional level) THREATS (to being successful)

11 Finally… Are there any questions you would like to ask that will enable you to successfully complete task 1. These could include clarification on the brief, information about the End of Year Show, previous examples of this kind of work… ask away.

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