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¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 1A con la Sra. Potter! Please scan the QR codes in the back of the room to sign in.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 1A con la Sra. Potter! Please scan the QR codes in the back of the room to sign in."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 1A con la Sra. Potter! Please scan the QR codes in the back of the room to sign in

2 ¡Mi familia!

3 mi experiencia KISD teacher for over 12 years Taught 4 th grade -8 th grade Have spoken Spanish since childhood mi certificación Spanish 6 th -12 th grade Generalist 4 th -8 th grade Special Education PreK-12 th grade GT certified

4 Spanish options at BDJH Spanish 1A in 7 th grade Spanish 1B in 8 th grade Accelerated Spanish 8 th grade only (1A & 1B) Begin Spanish 2 in 9 th grade

5 7th Grade Spanish 1A Curriculum First Semester (2 units) Bienvenidos al español Así soy yo Second Semester (2 units) Mi vida en la escuela La comida y la salud Every unit incorporates speaking, listening, reading and writing

6 7th Grade Spanish 1A Curriculum High School Credit Exams are the same as in high school The grade earned in Spanish will appear on the student’s high school transcript after completion of 1B State law requires students attend 90% of class to receive credit. At the end of each semester (fall and spring), students will have a cumulative exam worth 15% of the final grade.

7 WORDPLAY An online vocabulary website that monitors student’s progress Students vocabulary quiz grades will come from Wordplay

8 Utiles escolares (supplies) for every day Spanish binder with 4 dividers for each unit Green Vocabulary Book Purple Practice Workbook used for homework and audio activities Composition Book Pens/pencils/colored pencils/scissors/glue

9 What does a typical Spanish class period look like? Enfoque (daily warm-up) Check homework Label and pronounce new vocabulary Audio Practice Communicative Activity Diaro (daily reflection)

10 Homework (la tarea) Taken as a completion grade Collected twice per six weeks Student must receive 10 stamps to make a 100 in homework

11 Participación Students are given a stamp when they orally participate in an activity. Sra. Potter draws popsicle sticks to give each student equal opportunity to participate Collected twice per six weeks

12 *Major Grades 55% Minor Grades 30% Other (Homework) 15% Per Six Weeks Two major grades Eight to ten minor grades Four to five other grades evaluaciónes *Assessment days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays Our District Assessments are class sets and cannot be released to take home.

13 La Tutoría (tutorials) Spanish classes were not given a tutorial day this year. Students need to see me if they need extra help. In process of high school Spanish Honor Society students to come and tutor for free Tips for success in Spanish: ***Complete homework*** Student’s homework is reinforcement over the lesson covered in class that day Review a little each day rather than cramming before a quiz or test

14 Check the six weeks calendar or website for weekly assignments Comunicación email phone 281 237-8446 Conference time 10:05am-10:55am I send out distribution lists at the beginning of each unit. Please be sure the school has an updated email address.

15 Remind 101 Sign up to receive reminders via text message

16 Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns! I’m looking forward to an exciting school year! ¡Muchas Gracias!

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