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01.12.2015 / København From analog to digital traffic information EMTA spring meeting, Copenhagen Charlotte Kjærsgaard,

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Presentation on theme: "01.12.2015 / København From analog to digital traffic information EMTA spring meeting, Copenhagen Charlotte Kjærsgaard,"— Presentation transcript:

1 01.12.2015 / København From analog to digital traffic information EMTA spring meeting, Copenhagen Charlotte Kjærsgaard,

2 Why traffic information? Customers rate useful traffic information their number 1 priority when choosing means of transportation Traffic information is an essential part of Public transportation Lack of information or uncertainty is a great barrier towards using Public transportation Good information makes Public transportation accessible Purpose of traffic information is to reduce the complexity of public transport, break down barriers and to inform the customers of deviations from the normal traffic situation

3 What is useful traffic information?

4 Why digital traffic information Digital information enables us to provide our customers with real time information Digital information is easier to update and maintain Customers expect us to deliver updated and relevant information eGovernment strategy 2011-2015 for the central government, regions and municipalities in order to accelerate the adoption of digital solutions in the public sector

5 Sometimes less is more 28 different analog services/channels 14 different digital services/channels Unsynchronized information between the different channels

6 Movia strategy for digital traffic information 5 strategic guidelines 1.Clear priority between the different services 2.Delivery on the doorstep 3.Confirm the customer during their travel 4.Traffic information in real time 5.Coherence between the different companies and means of transportation

7 Printed timetables on bus stop


9 Less paper

10 Increase in real time information

11 Further development in our mobile services

12 Challenges Providing information and services to customers with out digital skills Convincing the municipalities – both administration and politicians

13 Any questions?

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