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COMP541 Arithmetic Circuits

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1 COMP541 Arithmetic Circuits
Montek Singh Oct 21, 2015

2 Today’s Topics Adder circuits Subtraction Overflow
ripple-carry adder (revisited) more advanced: carry-lookahead adder Subtraction by adding the negative Overflow

3 Iterative Circuit Like a hierarchy, except functional blocks per bit

4 Adders Great example of this type of design
Design 1-bit circuit, then expand Let’s look at Half adder – 2-bit adder, no carry in Inputs are bits to be added Outputs: result and possible carry Full adder – includes carry in, really a 3-bit adder We have already studied adder in Lab 3/Comp411 here we look at it from a different angle modify it to be faster

5 Half Adder Produces carry out does not handle carry in

6 Full Adder Three inputs Two outputs third is carry in
sum and carry out

7 Two Half Adders (and an OR)

8 Ripple-Carry Adder Straightforward – connect full adders
32-bit ripple-carry adder Straightforward – connect full adders Carry-out to carry-in chain Cin in case this is part of larger chain, or just ‘0’

9 Lab 3: Hierarchical 4-Bit Adder
We used hierarchy in Lab 3 Design full adder Used 4 of them to make a 4-bit adder Used two 4-bit adders to make an 8-bit adder

10 Specifying Addition in Behavioral Verilog
// 4-bit Adder: Behavioral Verilog module adder_4_behav(A, B, C0, S, C4); input wire[3:0] A, B; input wire C0; output logic[3:0] S; output logic C4; assign {C4, S} = A + B + C0; endmodule Addition (unsigned) Concatenation operation

11 What’s the problem with this design?
Delay Approx how much? Imagine a 64-bit adder Look at carry chain

12 Delays (after assigning delays to gates)
Delays are generally higher for more significant bits

13 Multibit Adders Several types of carry propagate adders (CPAs) are:
Ripple-carry adders (slow) Carry-lookahead adders (fast) Prefix adders (faster) Carry-lookahead and prefix adders are faster for large adders but require more hardware. Adder symbol (right)

14 Carry Lookahead Adder Note that add itself just 2 level
sum is produced with a delay of only two XOR gates carry takes three gates, though Idea is to separate carry from adder function then make carry faster actually, we will make carry have a 2-gate delay total, for all the bits of the adder! these two gates might be huge though

15 Four-bit Ripple Carry Reference Adder function separated from carry
Notice adder has A, B, C in and S out, as well as G,P out.

16 Propagate The P signal is called propagate
P = A  B Means to propagate incoming carry

17 Generate The G is generate So it’s ORed with incoming carry
G = AB, so new carry created So it’s ORed with incoming carry

18 Said Differently If A  B and there’s incoming carry, carry will be propagated And S will be 0, of course If AB, then will create carry Incoming will determine whether S is 0 or 1

19 Ripple Carry Delay: 8 Gates
Key observation: G and P are produced by each adder stage without needing carry from the right! need only 2 gate delays for all G’s and P’s to be generated! critical path is the carry logic at the bottom the G’s and P’s are “off the critical path”

20 Turn Into Two Gate Delays
Refactor the logic changed from deep (in delay) to wide for each stage, gather and squish together all the logic to the right

21 C1 Just Like Ripple Carry

22 C2 Circuit Two Levels G from before and P to pass on
This checks two propagates and a carry in

23 C3 Circuit Two Levels Generate from level 0 and two propagates
G from before and P to pass on This checks three propagates and a carry in

24 What happens as scaled up?
Can I realistically make 64-bit adder like this? Have to AND 63 propagates and Cin! Compromise Hierarchical design More levels of gates use a tree of AND’s delay grows only logarithmically

25 Making 4-Bit Adder Module
Create propagate and generate signals for whole module

26 Group Propagate Make propagate of whole 4-bit block P0-3 = P3P2P1P0

27 Group Generate Indicates carry generated within this block

28 Hierarchical Carry Left lookahead block is exercise for you
4-bit adder A B S G P Cin C0 Look Ahead C8 C4 Left lookahead block is exercise for you

29 Practical Matters FPGAs like ours have limited inputs per gate
Instead they have special circuits to make adders So don’t expect to see same results as theory would suggest

30 Other Adder Circuits What if hierarchical lookahead too slow
Other styles exist Prefix adder (explained in text) had a tree to computer generate and propagate Pipelined arithmetic units – multicycle but enable faster clock speed These are for self-study

31 Adder-Subtractor Need only adder and complementer for input to subtract Need selective complementer to make negative output back from 2’s complement

32 Design of Adder/Subtractor
S low for add, high for subtract Inverts each bit of B if S is 1 Adds 1 to make 2’s complement Output is 2’s complement if B > A

33 Overflow Two cases of overflow for addition of signed numbers
Two large positive numbers overflow into sign bit Not enough room for result Two large negative numbers added Same – not enough bits Carry out by itself doesn’t indicate overflow

34 Overflow Examples 4-bit signed numbers:
Sometimes a leftmost carry is generated without overflow: -7 + 7 5 + (-3) Sometimes a leftmost carry is not generated, but overflow occurs: 4 + 4

35 Overflow Detection Basic condition:
if two +ve numbers are added and sum is –ve if two -ve numbers are added and sum is +ve Can be simplified to the following check: either Cn-1 or Cn is high, but not both

36 Summary Today Next class: adders and subtractors overflow
full processor datapath

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