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Mrs. Wills.  Watch a movie: Binge Drinking  Discuss the movie  Look at brain scans  Watch another movie: The Keg Party  Do some activity sheets 

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Wills.  Watch a movie: Binge Drinking  Discuss the movie  Look at brain scans  Watch another movie: The Keg Party  Do some activity sheets "— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Wills

2  Watch a movie: Binge Drinking  Discuss the movie  Look at brain scans  Watch another movie: The Keg Party  Do some activity sheets  Learn about some important facts regarding substances  Learn some more important facts  Talk about your own experiences with substances  Give you a certificate of completion

3  What kinds of things are associated with underage drinking?  Why are teens more vulnerable to impairments in memory and learning when using alcohol?  What is the leading cause of death for ages 16-20? How many are associated with alcohol?  What is the cost of underage drinking on our society?  What percentage of boys/girls think its ok to force sex if the girl is stoned or drunk?

4  Feelings about movie?  Aside from driving, what other ways can alcohol cause hurt?  Lets list all the excuses one could come up for drinking and driving?  What is the number one thing Mrs. Wills wants me to learn from this video????

5 ALCOHOL Normal Brain 38 years old. 17 years of heavy weekend use

6 ALCOHOL 44 years old. 18 years of daily alcohol use. Normal Brain

7  Depressant  Reduces both physical and mental reaction time  1 beer = 1 glass of wine = 1 ½ oz of liquor  Proof?

8 Immediate EffectsDelayed Risks  Increased thirst  Slurred speech  Double vision  aggression  Altered behavior  Lowered inhibitions  Sleepiness  Slowed reflexes  Loss of motor cont  Cirrhosis of the liver  FEA/ FES  Sexual dysfunction  Bleeding peptic ulcer  Alcoholism  Memory loss  Cell damage to brain  Kidney cancer  Cancer of mouth/esophagus

9  The liver can only detoxify one-half ounce of alcohol per hour  Nothing but time will sober someone up. Coffee, cold water, bread, nothing!  Alcohol is the oldest psychoactive drug known to man.  Beer- 3-6% alcohol from fermented grains  Wine- 12-14% alcohol from fermented fruits  Liquor- 40 – 50% is distilled or boiled off from grains, fruits, rice or vegetables.

10  Severe elevation of the BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)  Can lead to coma or death .26% to.40% = alcohol poisoning  Fatality is worse if you fall asleep, body keeps processing the alcohol even though unconscious  Death =.30

11  Hypothermia  Choking  Breathing irregularity  Heartbeat irregularity  ***even if lives, can lead to irreversible brain damage****

12  Drinks excessively (4-5 drinks)  Drinks after medication  Doesn’t respond to being talked to/shouted  Doesn’t respond by being pinched, or poked  Vomits while sleeping, without waking up  Wont wake up  Cant stand up or alone  Bluish skin or skin that looks flushed  Clammy skin or cool to the touch

13  Any question, call 911  Don’t try to guess bac  Know the danger signs  Overdose is reversible, poisoning may not be  Stay with the victim  Clear airway from vomit  Tell medics what they drank

14  Don’t give them food  Don’t give them coffee  Don’t give them a cold shower  Don’t put them to sleep/bed  Don’t leave them alone  Don’t make them walk it off ** What does Mrs. Wills want you to do???**

15 the KEG PARTY But first, lets go get some popcorn!!!!

16  Assault- any behavior that causes another person to be afraid. Doesn’t have to be contact  Battery- intentionally cause bodily injury  Daterape- one who engages in sexual intercourse while one is under the influence of alcochol.  Consent- can’t be given if under the influence of drugs or alcohol  Statutory rape- sexual intercourse of a person over 18 with a person under 16 wheth consent is given or not

17  Why are you here?  What the heck happened?  What have you learned through your experience?  What have you learned through this education?  Do you think people look at you differently now?  Do you think differently of yourself?  What will you do differently in the future?

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